‘I’ll order one now. Shall we go ham and pineapple?’

‘Yes,’ I groaned. ‘And a side of fries.’

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at Kelsey’s apartment door.

‘Damn! Tony got way speedier since I left,’ I giggled.

Kelsey jumped up from the sofa. ‘Food!’ she half groaned, half growled as she grabbed her wallet and headed out into the hallway.

A moment later, I heard the front door close and Kelsey padding back toward the room.

She popped her head through the open door. ‘Uh, I don’t mean to startle you, but I think your husband is here,’ she said with a flash of her eyebrows.


‘There are three, very serious and very stacked, men in suits standing in the hallway asking to see you.’

My heart lurched into my throat. ‘Did one of them look like he had steam coming from his ears?’

‘Yup,’ she nodded.

‘Then it’s him,’ I said with a groan.

‘I kinda got the impression he’s not gonna leave till he talks to you, honey. Shall I let them in?’

I chewed my lip as I thought about whether it was better to go out into the hallway and talk to him instead. But, what was the point when I knew there was not a chance in hell Alejandro would leave this apartment building without me.

‘I mean, I’m all for standing my ground and telling them to get lost, but I do like my front door. You know?’ Kelsey grinned.

‘Okay. Let them in,’ I said with a sigh.

‘It will be okay, I’m here,’ she said with a reassuring smile.

A few seconds later, I heard the door opening again and the sound of muffled voices filled the hallway. I stood up, wiping my hands on my jeans nervously. I looked up and swallowed as I watched Hugo and Jax walk into the room.


Alejandro had brought the big guns with him for this and suddenly I felt like a runaway teenager who was about to get the ass-whooping of my life. A second later, he walked into the room behind them, looking incredibly hot and incredibly angry in his tailored suit and his crisp white shirt. My heart almost pounded out of my chest with both fear and anticipation.

He glared at me, his eyes fierce and full of fire. ‘Hello, Alana,’ he growled.

‘How the hell did you find me so quickly?’ I asked. ‘You haven’t implanted a tracker in my ass, have you?’

He scowled at me but I saw Jax chuckling softly as he took a seat on Kelsey’s sofa.

Alejandro didn’t find it in the slightest bit amusing though and he continued to glare at me. ‘Is there somewhere we could talk in private?’

‘Sure! You can use my room,’ Kelsey offered.

I frowned at her and she shrugged apologetically.

‘Lead the way, princess,’ Alejandro said as he stepped back out into the hallway.

I walked out of the room and into Kelsey’s bedroom with him hot on my heels.

As soon as he had closed the door behind us, he grabbed hold of me, pushing me against the wall with the full weight of his body, one hand wrapping my hair around his fist and the other wrapped around my throat. He kissed me fiercely, full of passion and possessiveness, pushing his tongue inside my mouth and claiming me. I responded in kind. I couldn’t help it. My body craved him.

He pressed his semi-hard cock against my stomach and I groaned into his mouth. Every single one of my nerve-endings was screaming for him. He rolled his hips against me as a growl vibrated through his entire body.