I smiled back. It felt so good to be here with her. I’d missed her so much, and I knew I hadn’t been in touch as much as I should have, but my life in LA was so far removed from New York. At first I hadn’t wanted her to know that my marriage was a business arrangement and then I’d been so wrapped up in Alejandro. I felt ashamed of the way I’d treated her.

‘I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch much, Kels.’

‘Hey,’ she admonished me. ‘I haven’t called you as much as I should have either. But we are home girls. We will always have each other’s backs. Besides, you’ve just got married to that fine ass billionaire. I didn’t expect to be invited for a visit any time soon,’ she laughed. ‘Now, sit your ass down and I’ll fetch us some wine.’

Half an hour later, I had told Kelsey about Lucia and Alejandro, and my visit to the doctor’s earlier that day. She listened intently, handing me a tissue and topping up my wine whenever I needed it.

‘Wow!’ she said with a shake of her head. ‘Sounds like you’ve had some six months, honey!’

I laughed. ‘You could say that.’

‘And so you just jumped on a plane to New York and didn’t tell anyone where you were going?’

I nodded. ‘Kind of. I sent Lucia a text telling her I just needed a few days. She’ll tell Alejandro, but I just couldn’t face talking to him. I still can’t,’ I said as I thought about my cell phone in my purse which was still switched off. ‘Do you think I did the wrong thing?’

Kelsey held her hands up. ‘Only you know that, honey. You were upset. You have every right to come here and visit your best friend.’


She sucked in a breath. ‘From what you’ve said about Alejandro, it sounds like he’s not going to be satisfied with you sending a text to your houseguest. Maybe you should give him a call?’

I chewed my lip and looked at my purse. ‘I don’t know. I’m still so pissed at him.’

Kelsey nodded in agreement. ‘And you should be, honey. Letting his daddy say those things about you is kinda fucked up.’

‘But?’ I said again. One of the things I usually loved most about Kelsey was that she was open and fair. She always tried to look at all of the angles before making a decision, but sometimes, like now, I kind of wanted her just to nod and agree with me.

‘Well, maybe he did say something to his daddy after you left? Maybe he was just hurting too, honey? Not that that excuses his behavior, but it sounds like he adores you and I think you should at least hear him out.’

‘And I will. After I’ve calmed down and don’t feel so goddamn emotional.’

‘And you’ve made him sweat for a while?’ Kelsey added with a wicked grin and a flash of her eyebrows.

I lifted my wine glass to my lips. ‘Well, that’s just an added bonus,’ I grinned back. I didn’t know if it was the wine, or talking to my best friend, but I was feeling a whole lot better about the entire situation.



Jax looked at me with a smile on his face as he put his cell back into his pocket.

‘Seems your girl boarded the 4:15 flight to JFK, amigo.’

‘Fuck!’ I hissed. I hoped she wasn’t going to see her snake of a father. I didn’t think she would, but there was always a possibility. I hated that man with a passion.

‘Samuel!’ I shouted to my employee who was waiting in the other room. He came running into my office.

‘Yes, Boss?’

‘Call the airport and have the jet ready to go to New York as soon as possible.’

He nodded. ‘I’ll get right on it.’

‘And call Hugo too. Tell him to meet us there. He helped get us into this fucking mess; he can help me fix it.’

Samuel nodded before walking back out of the room.

I looked at Jax again. ‘You think you can find out who Kelsey is and get me her address by the time we land?’