‘Hang on. I didn’t read it. Let me check.’

There was a few seconds’ silence as she checked her phone.

‘It says. Hey sweetie. I’m going away for a couple days. Alejandro and Magda will look after you. Take care of you and that baby. I’ll call you tomorrow.’

‘That’s all?’ I snapped.

‘Yes. What’s going on, Alejandro? Where is she? Why has she gone away? What did you do?’

‘She got some bad news this morning, that’s all. She just needs some space.’

‘So why hasn’t she told you where she’s gone?’ she asked in a snarky tone that made me want to remind her who she was speaking to.

‘Look, Lucia. She’s pissed at me. She’s pissed at everything. But I’ll find her.’

‘Well, there’s only one place she would have gone if she’s gone for a few days, isn’t there?’


She sighed dramatically. ‘Back to New York!’ She never actually said dumbass, but I heard it anyway.

Fuck. Of course she‘d go there. ‘Listen, tell me if you hear from her again, okay?’

‘Yes. And Alejandro?’ she said, sounding like a child again instead of a snarky teenager.


‘Please bring her home soon.’

‘I will. Bye, Lucia.’

I put the phone down and Jax stared at me. ‘She might be in New York. Speak to our friends at LAX and see if she got on a plane.’

‘Will do,’ Jax replied. ‘But where would she go? She wouldn’t go and see her folks, would she?’

‘No. I don’t think so. But she has a friend there. Kelly?’ I said as I tried to recall one of our many conversations about Alana’s life in New York. ‘No, Kelsey. She lived in the same apartment building in Manhattan.’

‘I’m on it, amigo,’ Jax said as he pulled his cell out of his pocket. ‘We’ll have her back home within the next twenty-four hours.’



I looked up and down the familiar hallway and couldn’t help but feeling a pang of loneliness. I’ve missed this place so much, but now I kind of feel like I don’t belong here anymore. Taking a deep breath, I rang the doorbell. A few seconds later the door was opened and I felt a rush of emotion at seeing that familiar face. I had missed those sparkling green eyes and that huge smile so much.

‘Alana! What the hell are you doing here?’ my best friend, Kelsey shrieked as she threw her arms around my neck and squeezed me tightly. ‘Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?’

Tears pricked my eyes at the thought of telling her why I was here. I sniffed as I pulled back from her. ‘It was a spur of the moment thing,’ I said with a shrug.

‘Oh, honey.’ Suddenly her face was full of concern. ‘Come on in.’

I followed her into her tiny apartment, the one that was just like the one I used to live in too, and it made me realize that I missed my new home so much. I started to cry.

‘Alana,’ she said softly as she guided me to the sofa in her living room. ‘What is it honey? What’s happened?’

I wiped my cheeks with the back of my hand. ‘So many things. It’s such a long story, Kels.’

‘Well, why don’t I pour us a huge glass of wine and you can tell me all about it,’ she said with a reassuring smile.