‘About two hours ago. She left shortly before your father.’


‘What? Where did she go? You just let her walk out of here on her own?’ I snarled.

‘She told me that you’d asked her to wait for her in the bar. She said Hugo and Hank were waiting there for her.’

‘Call the bar now, and see if she’s there,’ I said as I pulled my cell from my pocket and dialed her number. My heart sank as it went straight to voicemail.

‘Fuck!’ I hissed as I called Hugo.

He answered after a few rings. ‘Everything okay, Boss?’

‘That depends. Is Alana with you?’

‘No,’ he said, just as Lorenzo shook his head to indicate that Alana wasn’t in the bar either.

I took in a deep breath, sucking in a lungful of air as I tried to tell myself that she was safe. She was simply upset and she needed some space. She was probably just back at the house.

‘I took her to your suite. I let her inside and I closed the door. I thought she was with you.’

I heard the panic in Hugo’s voice and it did nothing to calm my bubbling anger.

‘It is your fucking job to protect her. Unless you actually hand her over to me, or she is in the house, she is your fucking responsibility!’ I snarled. ‘How could you just fucking leave her like that?’

‘I’m on my way back to the hotel, Boss. I’ll find her.’

‘No. Go check at the shelter. Or any other place she might be. And you’d better pray that we find her soon and that she’s fucking okay!’

‘Of course, Boss,’ he said as he ended the call.

I turned my anger on Lorenzo then, grabbing him by the throat and pushing him against the wall. ‘How the fuck could you let her just walk down to the lobby on her own? Especially with everything that’s going on with the Ortegas! What the fuck do I pay you for?’

‘I’m sorry, Boss. But she said…’

I squeezed his throat so hard, he couldn’t finish the sentence.

‘I don’t care what she said. It is your fucking job to protect me and my family. She is my family. If anything has happened to her..!’

I let him go and he gasped for air as he rubbed his throat.

I stepped back and ran my hands through my hair. My heart raced. Adrenaline coursed around my body as though it was my lifeblood.

I was wondering what to do next when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around to see Jax. ‘Hey, amigo. What the hell is going on?’

I paced up and down my office. Alana wasn’t at the house or the hotel. She wasn’t at the shelter. She wasn’t answering her cell. Security cameras had recorded her leaving the hotel and getting into a cab. I couldn’t get hold of anyone who knew where she might be. It seemed like even Lucia was avoiding me.

I had men out looking for Alana every place I thought she might be. Jax sat watching me. I was about to suggest we go and do something useful when my cell phone rang.

‘It’s Lucia,’ I said. Thank fuck! She had to know something.

‘Hey, Alejandro,’ she said breezily. ‘I was taking a nap and I left my cell on silent. Sorry. Is everything okay?’

‘Have you seen Alana?’

‘No. But she sent me a text a couple hours ago.’

‘What did it say?’