I took a deep breath, plastered on a fake smile and opened the door.

‘Everything okay, Mrs. Montoya?’ one of the guards asked me.

‘Yes. Everything is great. But, Mr. Montoya asked me to wait in the bar downstairs for him until he’s finished his meeting with his father.’

‘I’ll escort you downstairs, Ma’am,’ he replied.

‘There’s no need. He’s just asked Hugo and Hank to wait for me at the elevator. I think you should stay here and look out for Alejandro and Mateo, don’t you?’

He looked at me, his eyes searching my face. It seemed I was still a good actress as he pressed the button for the elevator and let me step in alone.

As soon as I reached the lobby, I walked through the reception, trying to hold it together until I got outside. A security guard stopped me and I told him that my personal security was waiting for me outside.

I took a deep breath as I stepped outside into the sunshine. Looking around the street, I had no idea what I planned to do next. All I knew was that I had to get as far away from here as possible.

I saw a cab waiting and jumped into it. ‘Where to, Miss?’ the driver asked me.

I looked at him. Where did I want to go? As far away from my husband and his father, who thought I was defective and had no use to them anymore, as possible. Far away from this city and its insanely perfect people, and to someone who loved me despite all of my flaws.

‘LAX please,’ I said as I sat back against the seat.



I looked up at the man I had always respected more than anyone else in the world and wondered what the hell had gotten into him. I’d told him about the news Alana and I had received earlier, expecting some words of advice and support. Instead, he launched into a diatribe about how useless Alana was to me now.

I let him talk. That was his way. He talked at people, usually talking them into submission. When he finally stopped I stood up from my desk.

‘Have you quite finished insulting my wife?’ I snarled at him.

He glared at me. ‘Watch your tone, mi hijo,’ he warned.

‘No, I will not fucking watch my tone, Papa! How dare you come into my office and talk about my wife like that? She is devastated that she might not be able to get pregnant and if you can’t be anything but one hundred fucking percent supportive of her right now, then I don’t want you anywhere near her, or me.’

‘Alejandro!’ he hissed. ‘I am your father!’

‘No. Right now, you’re just some jackass who is standing in my office insulting me and the woman I love. So, if there’s nothing else, get the hell out.’

His nostrils flared as he stared at me, no doubt wondering whether he should punch me in the face for daring to speak to him like that, but a few seconds later he turned around and stormed out of my office.

I walked out of my hotel suite and into the hallway. I’d cancelled my final meeting of the day because I wanted to get home to Alana. I needed to make sure she was okay. But more than that, I needed her to make me feel okay, too.

‘Evening, Boss,’ Lorenzo, one of my guards said. ‘Are you heading to the bar?’

‘No. Straight home,’ I said as I reached the elevator.

‘But Mrs. Montoya said you were meeting her in the bar.’

I frowned at him. ‘What?’

‘When she left earlier, she said that you’d told her to wait for you in the bar.’ I saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat as he swallowed.

‘My wife was here?’ I snapped as my heart started to race.

‘Yes, Boss.’
