‘I know.’

‘Especially over your desk,’ she shivered and I couldn’t help laugh.

‘Maybe later, princess. Right now I need to tell you something.’

‘What? Is everything okay?’ she stared at me.

‘You know I’ve been looking for Blake Fielding?’


‘Well, my men found him this morning. He’s dead.’

‘Oh!’ Her hand flew to her mouth. ‘Who? How?’

‘I don’t know. But that’s what my call was about. I’m going to find out.’

‘Do you think Lucia is danger?’

‘No more than we already knew about,’ I said as I kissed her forehead. ‘I’ll speak to her when she gets out of bed later.’

‘Poor Lucia. I wonder how she’ll take it. I know she wasn’t his biggest fan, but he is her baby’s father.’

‘Well, we’ll find out when I tell her. Now how about we actually eat this breakfast you made us before we go take a shower.’

‘Sounds good to me,’ she said reaching for her panties.

I snatched them off my desk before she could take them and stuffed them into my pocket. ‘I think I’ll keep hold of these.’

‘But I have to walk back through the house and your cum is dripping down my thighs,’ she whispered.

‘Well if you had done as you were told like a good girl and not made yourself come while I was on the phone to my associate, I’d have given you your panties back. But you didn’t. So they’re mine now.’

‘You’re the devil,’ she hissed as she grabbed my t-shirt from the floor and slipped that on instead.

‘You’d better believe it, princess.’

It was another two hours before I was finally dressed and ready to leave to go to the hotel. I had fucked Alana in the shower and then again in our bed, promising her that I’d make more time for her as soon as work calmed down — for me that meant as soon as this shit with the Ortega firm was over with.

They’d been making small, stupid moves, trying to get us in trouble with the licensing board and sending their goons in to start fights in our clubs and hotel bars. Nothing that we hadn’t stamped out immediately, but it made me wonder if they were just distracting us while they got ready to make their big move. My father and my uncles usually handled the dirtier side of our business, but they were all getting older now. The youngest of them was my Uncle Carlos, but at forty-eight, even he wasn’t as on top of his game as he used to be.

So, everything was slowly being handed over to me. Not that I hadn’t expected it. But I enjoyed the actual business side of things more than the bloodshed. Although I was used to both. Between the ages of eighteen to twenty-three, I had worked with my uncles as the family enforcer.

However, my father and I had soon realized that my head for business was much more valuable than my aptitude for violence. We had an army of guys who could dole out beatings and punishments, but there was only really me and my father who could see the bigger picture. That was when he’d made me the CEO of Montoya International and I’d become somewhat more legitimate, which suited me fine. I still had to use brute force and outright fear when the occasion called for it, but at least half of the time, I got to solve problems with my head.

I felt like that was slipping away from me now though and I was getting dragged more and more into the murkier side of our business. My family’s money was made in the arms and drugs trade. It was a business that was dangerous and unpredictable and one I hoped to be rid of entirely one day. Montoya International was a billion dollar company. We no longer needed the trade from our illegitimate earnings, but that was the side of the business that was the hardest to break free from and it was the side which the Ortegas were trying to get a piece of.

I knew that it was only a matter of time before I needed to consider a preemptive strike, even as I dreaded dragging my family into any kind of turf war. Six months ago, I wouldn’t have thought twice about making that choice, but now that I had Alana to think of, decisions like that weren’t so easy. I used to feel like I was invincible, but perhaps I was just reckless? Because the thought of putting her in harm’s way, of losing her, was unthinkable.

I suddenly saw what my father had meant about love being dangerous, because a man with something to lose always had a weak spot — and there was no doubt that she was mine.



Lucia and I were sitting in the den watching TV by the time Alejandro arrived home later that evening. I had thought about telling her about Blake myself, but decided it was better to come from him. I had no idea what had happened to Lucia’s ex-boyfriend other than the fact he was dead, but I knew that she would have questions and they were ones that I couldn’t answer.

Alejandro walked into the den and sat beside me on the sofa, slipping his arm around my shoulder and planting a soft kiss on my forehead.