Just then the bartender placed our drinks onto the bar. At the same time, one of Alejandro’s security guards walked up beside him and spoke quietly in his ear.

‘Joder!’ he cursed before turning to me. ‘I have to deal with something. I won’t be long.’ He looked at Bobby and back at me and I saw the vein bulging in his neck. He leaned down and kissed me softly. ‘Behave,’ he murmured against my skin and then he walked away with his employee.

Alejandro had been gone for over twenty minutes and I was already onto my second glass of Scotch. His expensive tastes in whisky had rubbed off on me, and I had come to enjoy the taste of the expensive liquor and the way it warmed my throat when I sipped it. I sat between Bobby and Justin and learned that they had become overnight millionaires after developing a piece of security tech. They were the keynote speakers at the convention in the hotel.

After ordering another round of drinks, Justin excused himself to use the restroom, leaving Bobby and me alone.

‘I’m really glad I bumped into you, Alana,’ he said softly as he looked into my eyes. ‘I’ve always regretted the way things ended between us.’

‘It was a long time ago, Bobby,’ I said, recalling the Christmas he had come home from college and told me he had slept with someone. I supposed I couldn’t blame him. I had made him wait for two years and when he’d gone off to college in another state, halfway across the country, I could hardly blame him for giving into temptation. How ironic that the night he told me was the night I was planning to have sex with him and lose my virginity. It had hurt more than anything at the time though, but it wasn’t something that bothered me any longer. ‘We were just kids. Besides, everything has turned out for the best.’

‘Are you happy?’ he asked me, his eyes full of concern.

‘Yes. Deliriously so,’ I said with a smile.

He smiled back at me. ‘Then I’m happy for you,’ he said as he placed his warm hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. I was suddenly aware of someone behind me and Bobby’s hand was removed.

‘Touch my wife again and I will break every bone in your arm,’ Alejandro snarled.

Bobby stood up from his stool and no doubt fueled by one too many whiskies, he squared up to Alejandro. ‘What the hell, man? Get your hands off me!’ he snarled.

I swallowed as I jumped off my stool. This was not going to end well for Bobby. I placed my hand on Alejandro’s arm and squeezed gently. ‘We were just catching up. Come on. Let’s go up to the suite.’

He turned and blinked at me, searching my face for a few seconds before he let go of Bobby’s arm. ‘Stay the fuck away from her,’ he snarled at Bobby before grabbing hold of my elbow. ‘Let’s go, princess.’

‘Bye, Bobby. Enjoy the convention,’ I said with an apologetic smile before Alejandro practically frog-marched me out of the bar.

‘What the hell is your problem?’ I hissed through clenched teeth as we approached the elevator.

He turned and glared at me. ‘We’ll talk upstairs,’ he snarled.

The elevator ride to Alejandro’s suite was torturous. I was on one side and he stood on the other, looking as hot and as angry as I had ever seen him. I kept stealing glances at him but his eyes were firmly fixed on the doors. I could feel fury radiating from him in waves and I swallowed. I hadn’t done anything wrong, but despite that, I was anxious about what was going to happen. I was already due a spanking.

Dear God, was I going to be able to sit down tomorrow?

After what felt like an eternity, the doors opened and we walked across the hall to his suite. As soon as we were inside, he went to the small bar and poured himself a Scotch.

I walked over to the sofa and took off my heels, waiting for some explanation from him, but he sipped his whisky in stony silence and stared out of the window.

‘Alejandro!’ I asked. ‘What the hell has gotten into you?’

He slammed his glass down onto the small table and stalked toward me. ‘Are you fucking kidding me? I find you sitting at the bar, flirting with your ex-boyfriend, who has his hands all over you, and you dare to ask me what has got into me? Really, Alana?’ he shouted.

‘I was not flirting!’ I snapped. ‘I was talking to him. And he put his hand on my shoulder for, like two seconds. That is not the same thing as having his hands all over me.’

He glared at me, his eyes full of fire and fury. ‘You were sitting in my hotel, in my bar, with some fucking asshole draped all over you. How the hell do you think that makes me look, Alana?’

I couldn’t help but laugh. ‘So, this is all about your fragile ego, is it?’

He snarled at me, his teeth bared as though he was about to reply, but I didn’t let him. ‘Shall I tell you how it looked? It looked exactly like what it was. Two people talking. There was nothing untoward going on. We talked. Just like you talk to all of your ex-girlfriends in that same bar at least once a week! It also looked like you are a man who trusts that his wife loves him, so much so he is happy to leave her in the company of another man while he deals with some business. That was how it looked — at least until you went all alpha-male and threatened to break Bobby’s arm, and then you just looked like a jealous, insecure asshole!’

He glared at me, his nostrils flaring.

Oh shit! I’d gone too far. Nobody ever spoke to him like that. He looked like he might explode as he stepped toward me. I took a step back from him. That little voice in my head told me to stop talking now, because he was already beyond pissed and I was just going to make him madder. But I ignored that little voice — because I was beyond pissed too, and I had done nothing wrong.

‘You have screwed half of the women in LA, and I have to deal with bumping into them on a regular basis and watch them fawning all over you. But one time we bump into someone from my past and you act like a jealous jackass!’

He took another step closer and I edged back toward the window. ‘That is completely fucking different,’ he growled.