‘My fierce queen,’ he replied, squeezing my hand tightly. ‘Our kids are going to be amazing, you know that right?’

I smiled at him. ‘Yes.’

‘I can’t wait to have some little Montoyas running around,’ he smiled and then he turned to me. ‘You are ready for that, aren’t you?’

I nodded. ‘Yes. With you, I’m ready for anything,’ I said and I meant it. I couldn’t wait to spend every day of the rest of my life with him and fill our house with children and grandchildren.

‘You ready for me to open this baby up?’ he grinned.

‘Hell, yes!’ I laughed. ‘What are you waiting for?’



Alejandro and I walked into the bar at his hotel. He had his hand on my lower back, dangerously close to my ass. I looked up at him and smiled and he responded with a cheeky wink. We had finished our dinner with the mayor and had decided to have a quick nightcap before heading up to our suite, because Alejandro had someone he needed to speak with.

I liked the mayor and his wife, Bree, and we’d had a great evening together. They knew that I volunteered at a women’s shelter, and they’d been keen to hear about the plans the manager, Kristen, and I had for the place in the future, but all I wanted to do now was have some time alone with my incredibly sexy husband, and thank him again for agreeing to let Lucia stay with us for a while. Sometimes I could hardly believe that I was married to him, and given the unusual and tense start to our marriage, that we were both so happy.

We approached the bar and the bartender smiled a greeting to us. ‘Good evening Mr and Mrs Montoya. Your usual, sir?’

‘Yes, two,’ Alejandro replied as he guided me to a bar stool.

I was about to sit down when I heard a familiar voice behind me. ‘Alana Carmichael! Is that really you?’

I turned around. ‘Bobby Conroy!’ I said with a huge smile on my face. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’

‘I’m here for the convention,’ he said as he took a step toward me. The hotel hosted dozens of conventions every year and I knew that the current one was something to do with tech giants and app developments.

Alejandro slipped an arm around my waist possessively before Bobby could pull me into the hug he was clearly gunning for and I felt a thrill of unexpected pleasure shoot through me. I was used to constantly bumping into Alejandro’s insanely beautiful ex-girlfriends. It was about time we ran into one of my exes. ‘Bobby, this is my husband, Alejandro,’ I said as I leaned into him, full of pride and contentment.

‘Wow! You’re married?’ he asked with a flash of his eyebrows, and then he extended his hand to Alejandro, who shook it firmly.

‘And Bobby is?’ Alejandro growled.

I bit my lower lip. Who was Bobby? My first crush. My first kiss. The boy who I’d thought would be my first everything. I decided not to lead with any of those things though.

‘Bobby was my high school boyfriend,’ I said quietly.

Bobby’s eyes darted to mine as if to remind me that we had been so much more than that. I took a second to drink him in. I hadn’t seen him for almost seven years, not since the time he’d come home for his first Christmas break after he’d left for college. He’d been a major jock in high school and the girls had always loved him. But, for some reason, he had chosen me. He’d always been attractive as a boy, but as a man, he was swoon-worthy. His sandy blonde hair was short on the sides and longer at the top. His blue eyes still twinkled like the ocean. He was tall and his muscular frame filled out his suit perfectly.

He wasn’t a patch on the sex god standing beside me, but still, he was fine. And given my numerous brushes with Alejandro’s ex-girlfriends, who were all beyond gorgeous, I was secretly pleased that he had turned up here looking so good. Maybe Alejandro would learn how it felt to stand there with a hundred questions buzzing through his head. Not that he had anything at all to be jealous about.

I sensed that Bobby was about to say something when another man walked up and stood beside him. ‘There you are, buddy,’ he said with a lop-sided smile. He was dressed in a suit too, but looked like he’d enjoyed one too many drinks.

‘Hey, Justin,’ Bobby turned to him. ‘This is my old friend, Alana, and her husband, Alejandro.’

‘Alana?’ Justin said with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. ‘You mean the one that got away, Alana?’

Bobby sucked in a breath before laughing softly and I felt Alejandro tense beside me, his grip on me tightening.

‘The one that got away, huh?’ I laughed too. ‘I think you must be mistaking me for someone else, Justin.’

‘Just how long did you two date?’ Alejandro said. His voice was calm and controlled, but I could feel the rumble of anger coursing through his body.

‘Not that long,’ I replied.

‘A little over two years,’ Bobby said immediately after.