“I know, I’m hilarious.” Snickers go around the room again, but one sharp look from Dad and they all shut up. Wimps.

Dad rolls his eyes as he turns back to me. “We have business we need to discuss that includes every person in this room. Do you need a few days to rest, or are you ready now?”

Glancing around at all my guys, they all give me encouraging nods, obviously knowing what this piece of business is. Am I ready for whatever it is? I close my eyes and take stock of how I’m feeling, and a breath whooshes out of me when I find that I’m feeling better than I have in what feels like forever. I have my mates, my parents, those close to us, and I didn’t have to give anything up for any of it.

Everything that’s happened thus far could have turned out so differently. My dad could have been killed the last time Kilroy attacked the Storm compound. That prick could have raped my body and my bond, and he could have stolen everything I hold dear to my heart. Vinny could have walked away without a second glance once I recovered from what Barbie Bitch did. My guys could have been killed when they tried to save me.

But it didn’t happen. None of it. If I could survive all the hell that’s been thrust upon me since my secret was exposed, I can survive whatever this piece of business is.

My eyes flash open, and I climb off Gavin’s lap, sitting down next to my dad and giving him my full, undivided attention. There’s a time for messing around, and there’s a time for seriousness. And this is the latter.

Dad’s blue eyes roam my face, looking for any signs of distress or anything that may tell him I’m not ready, but he won’t find it. Every molecule in my body is psyched up and primed for whatever he needs to discuss. One sharp nod is all I get before he starts going into detail about what to expect over the next couple of weeks.

* * *

Mom, Dad, and Byron retired to their wing of the house a couple of hours ago, but I haven’t moved an inch from where I sat as Dad laid it all out for me. I firmly believe he melted my brain when everything was said and done. The guys have left me to my thoughts, thank Gods, because I have no clue what I would even say to them right now.

I could turn it all down if I wanted to, just like Dad gave me the option when I was little. But the question is, do I really want to?

No. No, I do not.

I really, really want this.

But I have to admit that those two are absolutely fucking insane for what they’ve cooked up. Part of me feels like they are painting one hell of a target on my back, but a small part of me knows I can do this. Without the bloodshed.


But who am I to argue with these two when they have their hearts set on it.

When I made the decision at the tender age of ten that I wanted to follow in Dad’s footsteps, I never thought that when I finally did, I would be taking over not one but two empires. Part of me wishes I could read minds so I could figure out what prompted Vinny to make this decision, but that man never does anything without thinking it through. And this situation would be no different.

The more I think about it, the more I can’t believe it. A giggle slips past my lips. Holy fucking shit. All my hard work is finally paying off. My laugh gets louder, echoing around the room. Wait. Wait. Am I dreaming? I pinch myself, needing to make sure this is real, and a slight pang of pain radiates from my arm. Crap. This is really fucking happening. Me. Mafia queen. Leader of the Storm-Andoneli empire.

“Shit, I think you broke her,” Hunter stage-whispers from the door, cutting my laugh off.

My head snaps in his direction, my eyes cutting to each of my men standing at the door, watching me with various shades of worry on their handsome faces.

“Nope, not broken. Just,” I dreamily sigh, “really, really fucking happy.”

My pack takes that as their cue, and they all rush me, pulling me in their arms for kisses and passing me around so they all have a chance to get their mitts on me. My perfume thickens in the air the longer they touch and kiss me, causing them to let out deep groans the moment they breathe it in.

“This calls for a celebration!” Hunter whoops, then a mischievous twinkle flashes in his eyes. “A naughty celebration!”

Before I can stop him, he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and takes off toward our nest, the rest of the guys following in his footsteps. I giggle and slap his taunt ass, then wink at my guys and poke Hunter right in the pucker. He squeals like a girl and stumbles, causing my mates to howl in laughter.

Gods, I couldn’t ask for anything better than this.

It’s still crazy to think that the day I became an omega, I thought my life was over. And now?

Now, it’s just beginning.

Lucky me.


Two Months Later

Voices float up to me from outside my closed balcony doors, the grounds of our new home teaming with people who have traveled far and wide to be here for the big announcement.