Then again, this is Bianca we are talking about here.
Clicking a few buttons, the printer whirrs to life, quickly spitting out copies of Bianca’s call and text logs along with the results of the reverse number search. I jump out of my chair, swipe up the printed sheets, and leave my office in a rush. My feet pound the marble flooring as I run down the hallway with urgency.
Not even bothering to stop to knock, I throw open the door to Vinny’s office, the loud thud as it hits the wall echoing in the quiet room. Vinny startles at my abrupt entrance, throwing me a glare as he quietly murmurs into his cell phone. I don’t know who he’s talking to, nor do I really give a shit. All I know is that it’s not Bianca, so he can speak to whoever the fuck he wants.
The papers crinkle in my hand as I wave them back and forth, hoping to convey the importance of my barging in unannounced. Vinny raises a brow, and I shake the papers a little more, clearing agitating him, but it finally hits home that I have something he needs to see. He says a quick goodbye, sets the phone on his desk, and sits back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest.
“What’s so damn important that you had to interrupt me while I was on the phone with one of our suppliers?”
God, his condescending attitude really rankles my nerves. Granted, I haven’t seen much of him in the last two weeks, but in the little times here and there that we have interacted, he’s acted like we are nothing but an inconvenience to him. It’s mainly the reason why we’ve kept our distance. What I wouldn’t give to get back the small glimpse of the caring man I saw when he offered Doc to take his blood for Haylee.
Slamming the papers down on his desk, I point to the numerous highlighted calls and texts on Bianca’s log. “The same number has shown up on Bianca’s call log over and over again, calls, texts, pictures, and more. And I’m not talking like ten times. I’m talking at least a thousand or more.”
He leans forward to look at the papers, then sits back again like they mean nothing to him. “Okay, so the bitch was cheating on me, obviously. It’s over and done with. You know that, I know that. Why is this such a big damn deal?” He huffs and rolls his eyes in a very Hunter-characteristic way. “Shouldn’t you be using my resources for more important shit than throwing my failed relationship in my face?”
I grit my teeth, clenching my jaw to keep from saying something I shouldn’t. I would love nothing more than to beat the shit out of him like Hunter did, but he’s still my cousin, and I’m hoping he will eventually get his head out of his ass before it’s too late.
But by all accounts, it may already be very well too late.
After swiping the top pages aside, I stab my finger into the page of the reverse phone number search. “This is who she’s been talking to.”
Vinny leans forward again, and I pinpoint the second the name registers. He snatches the paper from the desk, jumps up, and starts pacing in front of his chair. “You’re sure?” He forks his hand through his dark locks. “Have you found out how they are connected?” He shakes his head. “This fucking bitch. This is key to how everything has fucking gone wrong.”
Finally, he gets it.
Thank fuck.
Number registered to Lionel Kilroy.
That one line on the paper in my hand seemingly connects all the fucking dots.
How in the fuck did I miss this? All of this, everything that has happened up until this point is my fault. I thought Bianca was an idiotic bimbo who would make the perfect arm candy that I could put away when I was done showing her off. But the proof is in everything that’s transpired. She’s a lot smarter than I gave her credit for.
Now because of her, and Lionel by extension, Haylee is in a coma, my family barely wants anything to do with me anymore, and the family business has practically tanked.
Why the hell didn’t I listen to Arden and Hunter the million times they’ve tried to tell me about all the shit Bianca’s been up to.
Because you only care about yourself, my mind whispers to me, full of self-loathing.
Not anymore. Fuck that. It’s time to be the man my dad wanted me to be. It shouldn’t have taken this long to get my shit together. Dad would be so damn ashamed of me. I’ve failed not only him but my entire family. All for what? To keep the business in my name? Not once since I’ve taken over have I proven that I’m the right man for the job. It’s time to change that.
“Great job catching this, cousin. I want to know how they are connected. Dig up whatever you can. Anything you need to get this done, get it. I don’t give a shit what the cost is. They need to be dealt with before they get another chance to come after us.” I slam the paper down on my desk. “And I want that fucking cunt found. It’s time she pays for all the shit she’s done to you and Hunter and for Haylee’s current condition.”
Arden’s hazel eyes, much like my own, widen at my words. I know what he’s thinking too. Probably it’s about fucking time. I have so much to make up for with all of them. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give in this world for Haylee to wake up so I can apologize properly to her, but since she’s still out, it’ll have to wait. Hopefully, the guys will give me the opportunity to do so. Even though I don’t deserve to be within a foot of her presence.
Before he can open his mouth, I hold up my hand, stopping him. “I know. I’ve been a fucking insufferable prick, and I’m sorry. There’s so much I regret, and I hope you’ll give me the chance to make it up to you.”
Arden rounds the desk, and I flinch as he raises his arms. By all means, I know I deserve the hit that is coming, but I was hoping he would at least hear me out. His eyebrows furrow, then he grabs me by the back of my neck and pulls me into a hug, slapping me on the back. I stiffen at the feel at first, then blow out a breath and relax all the tense muscles in my body. It’s lost on me when the last time was that anyone in my family actually hugged me. And I can’t say that I hate it.
Arden pulls back, keeping his hand on my shoulder. “Are you…” He cocks his head as he peers closer at me. “Are you okay with what’s going to happen when we find her? You know Hunter isn’t going to let what she’s done go. And neither am I.”
“One hundred percent. You’ll each get your pound of flesh, but I want my pound, too, for what she’s done to our family.” He looks closer at me, probably looking for any hint of a lie or remorse for what will eventually happen. When he finds neither one, he nods his head and leaves the room, leaving me to my own thoughts.
Retaking my seat at my desk, I pop open the screen on my laptop and hit the play button on the video that’s been playing on repeat since the day of Haylee’s attack. Call it penance for the part that I played in all of this. It’s my daily dose of reality. Or more like an hourly dose of reality at how close we were to losing our fated mate.
Every minute that passes is another minute of regret that festers deep inside. The moment Haylee came into this house, I should have stopped the bullshit with Bianca and put all my effort into kindling something amazing with my omega. But I didn’t. There were too many worries about what could go wrong and how I would be perceived as weak all because of her.
But she isn’t weak. She is one of the strongest women I know.