“Thank you all for joining us here today. I know we aren’t in one of our usual locations for a conference like this, so I appreciate you all making the trip out here.” As much as I wish I could tune his whole speech out, I can’t, so I keep a keen eye on every twitch, every jerk, every muted whisper that happens in the crowd. “As you all know, you are here to witness the passing of leadership, as has been customary in the Storm Family for generations. However, things are a little different this time around. We are ushering in a new era with my daughter, Haylee Storm, taking the mantle.”
Voices rise as everyone starts to express their concerns, but Dad raises a single hand, shutting them up instantly. Well, shit. I want that superpower. Maybe next time the guys are fighting, I’ll see if that works for me.
“I don’t know why everyone is so damn shocked over this event. She’s been trained to take over since she was little. Her designation, as you all are complaining about, means nothing. She is more than capable of taking the reins,” Dad looks over his shoulder at me with a smile, “and I couldn’t be prouder of her.” He returns his gaze to the crowd. “Introducing the new head of the Storm Family, Haylee Storm.”
Nervousness barrels over me like a ton of bricks as the crowd stays silent, watching me with wary eyes. Then Mom and Andre start clapping, followed by my guys, Kali and hers, and finally, the entire group starts hootin’ and hollerin’ as I step forward.
Oh, thank fuck. For a second there, I thought I’d have to start shooting some of these fuckers.
Dad steps off to my left side but doesn’t retreat behind me. He grabs my hand, hidden behind the podium, and gives it three squeezes. It’s that small action alone that gives me the confidence to speak.
“Thank you, everyone. Seriously, thank you so much.” The mass continues to cheer, and I take the chance, raising my arm. It goes eerily silent in a single heartbeat, and I mentally high-five myself for being able to wield that power just as well as Dad does. “I’ve worked hard to get to where I am today, standing in front of you all, ready to be the head of the family. If it weren’t for the invaluable lessons growing up taught by Dad and his second-in-command, Byron, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. My mates and I plan to keep the family running like a well-oiled machine and keep our people safe at the same time. Our door will always be open for those who wish to speak to us…”
Footsteps pound from my right, cutting off my speech. Metal glints in the bright sunlight, and before anyone has a chance to brandish a weapon, the gun tucked in my waistband is in my hand, a loud bang permeating the air as the man drops to the ground with a single bullet hole between his eyes.
How dare that asshole interrupt my carefully planned spiel.
Oh, well. He’s a dead fucker now.
The crowd gapes, all eyes on me and my quick and fluid movements to put the assailant down. How the hell did he even make it that far in the first place?
Hunter makes it up on the makeshift stage, kneeling down and checking the man for any type of identification. He turns to me with a shake of his head, his blond mohawk not moving an inch from the movement, then kicks the body off the platform for our guys to deal with. He blows me a kiss and gives a mock bow, returning back to his place guarding Mom and Andre.
Now… where the hell was I?
“Well, that was fun.” Everyone laughs, loosening the tension tightening in my shoulders.
“Yeah!” Kali steps forward, her fist pumping the air. “That’s my bestie, people. Don’t fuck with the queen!” Duke snatches her around the waist, pulling her back against his chest, covering her mouth with his hand. Jameson looks embarrassed as hell by her outburst, and Ryker just looks amused.
“Before we let you go for the day, we have one more announcement to make.” The crowd shifts on their feet, their eyes darting this way and that, hoping this isn’t some type of a set-up. It would be funny as shit if it were. “Please welcome my mate, Vincenzo Andoneli, head of the Andoneli Family.”
The throng of people cheer for him just as they did for me, and a smile lights up my face as I scoot over to make room for him at the podium. He’s come so far since I first met him. He was rude, arrogant, and completely devoid of feeling. Well, okay, so he’s still two of the three, but he has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever seen. It just took a little bit longer for him to reveal it to me.
He leans over, kissing that spot behind my ear that I love so much, my stomach clenching as his lips brush the outer shell. “We’re going to have a talk about this suit choice tonight, princess,” he murmurs huskily, a slight possessive growl in his tone.
Dad clears his throat uncomfortably, stepping a little further back from us.
Stupid perfume.
Stupid Vinny.
Deep, rumbling laughter caresses my cheek before he turns back to the waiting crowd. “I’m not one for big speeches, so I am going to make this short and sweet. As of eight a.m. this morning, the Andoneli Empire has merged with the Storm Empire.” The spectators gasp, but Vinny forges ahead. “Haylee will retain the position as head of the family for the entire conjoined empire, and I will be taking my place at her side as her second-in-command.”
I drown out the rest of his speech as pride swells inside of me. It’s such a big step for the most stubborn of my mates, but it was like the moment he voiced his plans to me, a weight of expectation was lifted off of him. It never dawned on me that his position burned him out the way it did. But there’s been such a change that I couldn’t be happier.
Now, who’s ready for dinner? I know I am.
* * *
The dining room of our new home was one of the things that really sealed the deal for me. As much as I love the light airiness of the wall of windows back at the Andoneli Empire, this just feels more intimate. No windows line the walls, the room lit by the crystal chandelier hanging over the custom-made black table with red resin accents spidering through the wood and a set of twelve matching chairs. I have no damn clue when we are ever going to use all twelve chairs, but if a dinner party happens, we’ll be prepared.
The light gray walls reflect not only the light floating above but also the flickering flames of the candles lining the room, adding a romantic appeal to it. And romantic it is. The first night in our new home, the guys set up a candle-lit picnic on the floor before our table was delivered, and it was the sweetest night of our lives. They also railed my ass into the gray hardwood floor, and I proudly wore those bruises for a couple of weeks.
Chatter from around the table makes me smile as I glance around at my family—everyone who is important to me. Dinner is well and truly over; the roasted duck that Andre made set the perfect mood for the encore announcement of the night. The man himself looks over at me and raises a grayed brow, his eyes asking me if I am ready for this.