The door is shoved open and in struts a pissed-off Kali, with her men trailing behind her. She plants her hands on her hips and looks around the room. “Well?!”

“You fucking called Kali?” Hunter hisses in Vinny’s direction, knowing what a shit show this is about to become. Vinny’s not even paying attention, too engrossed in whatever Caleb is telling him over the phone.

“Somebody better answer me right fucking now before I—” The rest of her words are garbled as Jameson slaps his hand over her mouth, pulling her back, only for Duke to take her spot. Kali tries to fight Jameson’s hold, but then she stops, and her eyes widen at whatever she was just told.

“Mr. Storm, it’s good to see you again. I’m Duke Weller, and we’re here to help find your daughter.” Duke steps up to Thane and Rebecca, giving a small bow in respect of their position.

“Weller. I remember you when you were a kid. It’s good to see you again. We should catch up after we get Haylee back.”

“Of course, sir. I would like that.” Duke steps away, and we all turn toward Vinny, ready to resume now that the interruption is over.

Vinny pulls the phone from his ear, taps the screen, then places it down on the table. “I’ve got you on speaker. Repeat, Red Leader.”

Crackling from the receiver reverberates around the silent room, soon followed by Caleb’s voice. “The surrounding area is as decrepit as the satellite images. But right smack fucking dab in the middle of that blank space is a fucking mansion that looks like it could rival the compound. It looks rather newish in comparison, but I’m unable to tell you how long it’s been here.”

Arden pulls a laptop seamlessly out of thin air, setting it up next to the map. His fingers fly across the keys faster than I think I’ve ever seen him move. The look on his face says it all. He’s wondering how the fuck they hid that from his view. Or shit, the satellite’s view.

“Perimeter?” Vinny asks as he draws on the map in front of him.

“Eight, maybe ten-foot stone wall. Wrought iron gated entry. Blindspot in the back between cameras posted in various increments along the wall.” He pauses, murmuring to someone next to him, then continues. “No towers, so air attack is out of the question.”

“Sentries?” Thane barks, the betas in the room flinching at the command that slipped from his mouth. He stands rigidly, glaring holes into the phone. If he could reach through the device and ring Caleb’s neck to get him to answer faster, I’m sure he would.

Caleb doesn’t skip a beat at the new voice. “At least forty outside, no clue about in. Everyone is on high alert here. Fully loaded.”

They know we’re coming for them. It’s obvious. We thought we wiped out most of them when we took down Archie, but this tells us just how wrong we are in that assumption.

“Don’t engage, but keep a lookout. We’re mobilizing in twenty. Anything changes, let me know.” Vinny slams his hand down on the screen of his phone, cutting off the call in the process.

“So what’s the plan?” Rebecca asks, drawing everyone’s attention. She doesn’t shy away from their stares; she stands up taller, every bit the Don’s wife.

“Two words.” Hunter rubs his hands together, a maniacal glint in his silver eyes.

We all wait with bated breath for his next words.

“Ka. Boom.”


Something fucking stinks around here, and it’s not the trash in the corner. My nose wrinkles. Okay, maybe it’s part trash, part the shit show in front of me.

Lionel steps up next to Bianca, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. I watch on, horrified, as she sinks into the embrace like it’s the best thing in the world. A shudder wracks my body. How can she so willingly let him touch her?

Wait. Wait. That asshole called me mate. A hysterical laugh bubbles up my throat. “How does it feel, Bianca, that now two men have chosen me over you? I mean, calling Lionel a man is a little facetious, but still.”

Meltdown in five. Four. Three. Two. One.

“Vinny did not choose you, you stupid bitch,” she screeches, closing the distance, then cracks her hand against my cheek. Hard. My face whips to the side, but I refuse to make a noise. Slowly facing her again, I blow a wad of spit, smacking her right in the face. She cries out, horrified, swiping at the glob running down her chin.

This bitch is so damn predictable when it comes to Vincenzo. That will be her downfall.

“Bianca,” Lionel growls, causing Bianca to stiffen and retreat back to his side.

“Sorry, Daddy,” she murmurs, a contrite look on her painted-up face.

Bile rises quickly in my throat at her words. Daddy?! What the fuck?! I swallow thickly around the lump in my throat, refusing to throw up on myself. “Damn, Lionel, I knew you were a pervert but a daddy kink on top of it?”

“Ewww, gross.” Bianca scrunches up her nose, shifting to the side, putting distance between her and Lionel. “He’s my father. Not,” she gags, “not my lover.” Holy shit. That explains so damn much. It’s the one connection that none of us even thought of. I sure as shit didn’t because all I’ve ever known is Archie to be Lionel’s kid. No one ever mentioned anything about him having a daughter, too. “But if Vinny wants me to call him daddy, I’m all for that.”