Well deserved if you asked me.
One down, two to go. If we could find the damn bitch, that is. She’s still in the wind, literally, with no clue where she’s hiding out. A few times, she’s been a blip on the radar, but every time we’ve sent someone to pick her up, she’s disappeared once again without a trace. It’s annoying, to say the least.
The boisterous voices of my men echo around me as we move from the dining room into the living room, the guys stretching out on the various chairs and couches. Before I can claim my own spot, an arm wraps around my waist, and I’m hauled backward onto a lap. His length thickens against my ass as I wiggle around, getting comfortable.
“Princess, if you keep that up, I’ll spread you out on the coffee table for me and my brothers to enjoy,” Vinny purrs in my ear, further igniting the fire already roaring through my veins.
What was once excitement at killing one of our foes is now excitement of a different kind. Hopefully to be celebrated in the form of the horizontal tango. Or hell, I’m down to get on all fours, one at each end. Twice over. Or I know, I know. Even better. Double penetration, yes, please!
My breaths come in short, sharp pants the longer I think about it, my perfume thickening in the air as slick gathers between my thighs. This man, heck, all four of them, know exactly what to say to get me all hot and bothered.
“Mmmm,” Vinny murmurs, inhaling deeply at the crook of my neck, “I think my omega likes that idea. Don’t you, princess?”
He has no fucking idea.
Shit. Is it hot in here?
I swallow down a whimper as a slight pain ripples across my abdomen. Oh. Oh fuck. It can’t be. Not yet. There’s still too much to do before I become a mindless fuck doll for an entire week.
Before I can reply, one of the beta maids scurries into the room with a tray balanced on one hand, four glasses full of amber liquid sitting atop the shiny metal surface. She doesn’t make eye contact with any of us as she passes them out, quickly retreating just as fast as she came. The ice clanks as I roll the cool glass back and forth in my hands, the action doing wonders to lower the high temperatures coursing through my body.
“Drink up, little killer. We’re celebrating a win tonight.” Hunter knocks back his glass without any finesse, slurping down every drop. Arden and Gavin follow suit, and I peek over my shoulder at Vinny as he takes a few sips before smiling widely at me. He reaches around and clinks our glasses before tipping his own back and swallowing it down. A shudder rampages through my body as I watch his Adam’s apple bob. Fuck, that’s sexy.
Finally getting on the celebrating train, I suck down half of my glass, ready to drink it all, when I hear a thud in the hallway outside of the living room. My eyebrows raise as the sound comes again.
What the hell was that?
Looking around, the guys don’t seem to have heard it, cracking up at the stupid shit coming out of Hunter’s mouth. I love that big guy, but some of the shit he says is just absolutely ridiculous. A pained groan followed by another thud gets me up from Vinny’s lap to investigate.
After placing my glass on the coffee table and mourning what could have happened on said coffee table, I trail across the room and out into the hallway. Sporadically dotted down the hall are our guards, passed the hell out on the ground.
“Guys, something’s wrong,” I call back into the room as I run to the closest guard, bending down to check for a pulse. It’s still there, thank God. I slap him across the face, but he doesn’t so much make a sound at the sting it had to have caused. Even my hand is on fire from how hard I hit him.
When none of the guys meet me in the hall, I rush back in there to grab them so we can figure out what’s happening. This is some kind of internal attack that we aren’t prepared for. Fuck. We should have known better than to celebrate. We aren’t safe until all of our enemies are eliminated.
Stopping in the doorway, I realize my worst nightmare has come true. Each of my guys is sprawled across their seats, their eyes closed, unmoving. Whoever did this got to them, too. And right under our noses.
“No, no, no,” I mutter, running into the room and stopping next to Vinny, shaking him as hard as I can. His body slumps over onto the couch, and the glass previously held in his hand falls, breaking on impact the moment it hits the floor. Hunter, Gavin, and Arden are all the same, and my heart cracks at seeing them so…lifeless. It’s like they’re dead.
Tears well in my eyes as I flop onto the couch next to Gavin’s prone form, dropping my head in my hands. What the fuck am I supposed to do now? I’m a fucking mafia heir, and I don’t even know how to handle this situation. Feeling powerless sucks.
After throwing a pity party for one, I finally get my shit together, pull up my big girl panties, and decide to figure out what makes me different from them. Why am I not passed out, too?
My eyes land on the drink the maid brought in, and I glance around, remembering the guys all finished theirs while mine is still half full. Could that be it? Did that fucking maid drug us?
Jumping up to grab the glass to investigate, I stumble across the floor, dizziness hitting me hard.
“Oh, shit,” I croak, my body failing me as I drop to the floor on my knees. The room spins, adding to the off-balance feeling ailing me. My lower abdomen quivers, reminding me of my impending heat as the pain stabs me like the knife Bianca had embedded in me before.
This is the epitome of bad fucking timing.
Something hard slams into my back, throwing me forward, but my movements are too sluggish to catch myself before my head slams into the unforgiving ground. Pain explodes all over my face, bright lights dancing in my eyes as everything wavers in my vision.
Sharp, dagger-like nails dig into my chin as my face is turned, and I come face to face with the one person who has been like a ghost since she tried to kill me. How the fuck does this bitch keep getting in when none of us are the wiser? It’s starting to really grate on my nerves that she just can’t give up and freaking die already.
“Daddy’s going to be so excited when I bring him back his prize,” Bianca titters a laugh, a smug smirk on her heavily painted face. She sniffs the air, and I woozily watch as her eyes dilate a fraction. “And you’re starting a heat. He’s going to be so proud of me.”
My vision starts to tunnel, the edges dark, telling me I’m close to passing out. I’m almost surprised I lasted this long. But before my sight disappears, I grit out the only thing I can think of.