One finger.
My grip tights on my M-16, and my muscles coil, ready to storm in there.
The last finger drops, and Hunter grips both edges of the doorway and lifts his foot, putting all his strength behind it, and kicks the door. A sick thrill shoots me as the wood once again splinters under his force, followed by the girliest squeal I’ve ever heard.
Shots ring out before Hunter has the chance to get out of the way, and I watch horrified as his body jerks at least five times, followed by the clicking of an empty clip. Hunter stumbles back to his original spot, but when he looks up at me, he lifts both hands, giving me a double thumbs-up. That better fucking mean that Archie only hit his vest, or I’m going to kill the big, dumb tattooed alpha myself when this shit is over.
Cursing emanates from inside the room, along with what sounds like Archie fighting with the firearm he was using. Not wanting to give the fucker a chance to reload, I storm into the room, my M-16 raised, the asshole in my sights.
“It’s over, Archie. Drop the weapon,” I call loud and clear, my voice ringing through the room and the comms simultaneously.
“Ahhh, if it isn’t my little omega bitch. Come here, mate.” The command is clear in his tone, and I giggle in response. Archie’s eyes widen when he sees his bark has no effect on me.
“Newsflash, bitch. That doesn’t work on me anymore. So how about you drop to your knees and give me a reason not to end you right now.”
“Oh, so you’re a little whore now and mated with the whole fucking group, eh?”
I snort. He thinks I’m a whore because of the guys? Yet, I’m sure the bastard has spread his seed to any willing and unwilling legs that have been parted.
“Nope.” I pop the P. “Not mated.”
“Not possible,” he mutters. Gods damn, I’m not here to debate with him my mate status nor how I can resist his fucking commands.
“Get on the fucking ground!” I shout, firing off a warning shot. The vase right behind him explodes into a million little pieces, embedding themselves in anything in the vicinity. I know I should just end this here and now, but I’m hoping to get something else out of him before putting his ass six feet under.
Finally seeing the severity of the situation, Archie drops like a sack of shit, plastering his trembling body to the floor. Noise behind me catches my attention, and I spin around, ready to pop off on whoever thought they could sneak up on me.
My guys come in with their hands raised. Why the fuck didn’t they call over the fucking comms they were coming in? Idiots.
Gavin’s mouth drops open, ready to call something out, when a single shot goes off, followed by a thud behind me. Spinning back around, Archie is sprawled on the floor, closer to me, this time with a puddle of blood around his head, growing larger every second.
Fuck. How fucking stupid of me to turn my back on the enemy. That could have ended very badly.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
“Target is down. Finish ‘em off,” Vinny growls, stalking toward me as I continue to berate myself for my own idiocy. He rips his goggles off the closer he gets to me, and once he’s in front of me, he tears mine off also, fists the hair at the back of my head, and pulls me into the most toe-curling kiss I’ve ever had.
Vinny pulls back and kisses the tip of my nose before stepping away. “Let’s get this shit cleaned up and go home.”
He doesn’t have to tell me twice.
* * *
It takes the rest of the night and well into the day to get the mess cleaned up before we can leave. Luck must have been on our side as we were able to pull it all off with the authorities being notified. Vinny will make a donation later to whoever he has in his pocket at the local department to cover up the deaths of every person who was killed.
All in all, we lost a total of eight people out of ninety-three. They were lower-level grunts, the ones who were too brave for their own britches. Kali’s group is leaving in full numbers, having not lost a single person. They’re heading back home as soon as we leave here, but we’ve both made promises to stay in touch, no matter the distance.
Now it’s time to finally head home, and after one last hug from Kali, we go our separate ways. My guys and I all pile into the same SUV, smiles all around at our victory. Even grumpy ass Vinny has a smile on his face; his previous ire at me for what I did completely eradicated.
My eyes get heavy as we start rolling home and even heavier with every mile we travel thereafter. Gavin and Arden shift closer, cocooning me in their warmth, and I relax, knowing they’ll still be there when I wake up.
All of them will be because we all made it out of this alive with nothing more than a few bruises.
Small mercies.
I never knew victories, even the small ones, could feel this good.
Granted, we still have to cut the head off the snake, but we’ve at least destroyed one of his limbs. Brutally, of course.