"Do you know when they plan to attack again?" I ask, needing to know if we should be preparing for that instead of planning our own raid.

Trevor shakes his head, wisely keeping his eyes off me. Neither one of these guys would take it well if he turned his attention to me. Especially since they are the predators in this room, and you never turn your back on a predator. They'll pounce when you least expect it.

"What about Lionel Kilroy?" Vinny asks. "Have you had any interaction or seen him since you've been working with Archibald?"

Yet again, Trevor shakes his head, denying any contact with Lionel. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one. Lionel could be hiding out in the shadows, pulling Archie's strings, or Archie could be working on his own. But somehow, I doubt the latter.

"Have you actually been to where they are currently residing?" This time, we get a nod of affirmation. "If I showed you a picture, can you confirm?" Another nod. Vinny pulls out his phone, swiping through it a few times until he turns it around, bringing it over to Trevor's eyeliner.

"Aye." One word. That one word is all we really needed from him.

Hunter's phone pings from his pocket, and he digs it out, his brows raised as he reads whatever is on there. "You mentioned Becca and Trent to Gavin," Hunter says, drawing Trevor's eyes to him as he slips his phone back into his jeans. "Are they working with you, or are they innocent? Are there any other traitors working here that you know of?" Trevor shakes his head, causing me to let out a sigh of relief. I don't think we could handle another one so soon after finding out about this one. Vinny nods his head, accepting his answer.

While we are getting the information we wanted, I have to say; this is pretty damn boring. I was hoping for more bloodshed. More, I don't know. Something. But this traitor squealed without us really even trying. How the hell he was able to keep this from us for so long is a mystery to me with how easily he spilled his secrets.

No matter, though. We got what we wanted; now, it's time for him to die. They may have promised him a quick and painless death, but there's too much blood on his hands to let him find death without a little more pain.

There's just one more thing that needs to be asked before I take my rage out on him.

Stalking toward Trevor, I stop right in front of him, blocking off his view of Vinny. Vinny doesn't say a word, trusting what I'm doing. "I have one more question, and I need an answer for it. You've been here for fifteen years, and well, look at you, you're a traitorous bastard. So that makes me wonder if this is the first time," I tap my chin in thought, "or if you've been a shady fuck since before now. So I ask, did you have anything to do with the raid on the compound when Gavin's mate was murdered?"

A helpless whimper slips through Trevor's teeth in a wheeze, answering the question without having to say a word.

"As much as I want to deal you the killing blow, there's someone who deserves it more. Hunter, text Gavin."

"Little killer, I don't know---"

I cut him off. "Text Gavin and tell him to come here. That man deserves closure; you and I both know it."

A few minutes pass, and finally, there's a knock on the heavy steel door before it opens, and Gavin slips in, confusion marring his face. "What's up, baby girl?"

Damn it, now that he's here, I want to shield him from knowing the truth, but it's something he so desperately needs to know. After all, he never had the chance to bring her killer to justice. So, hopefully, being able to kill the reason for her death will suffice.

"Gav," I wring my hands as I walk up to him, "I...uhhh... well, earlier, when we were all talking, I thought of something, and well, it turns out I was right."

"About what?" he asks, gripping my hips.

"This fuck is the reason for Jess' death. It turns out this isn't his first traitorous act."

Gavin's grip on my hips tightens, almost to the point of pain, as his breathing grows choppy and his eyes go unfocused. Probably reliving one of the worst days of his life, which isn't what I want for him.

"You're sure?" he asks hoarsely after taking a moment to collect himself.

Taking his face in my hands, I pull his focus from Trevor to me. "Yes, baby. I'm sorry. I know it won't make up for her death, but he's your kill. He deserves to die by your hands."

"I love you," he chokes out. "Thank you for telling me."

Quicker than I can blink, Gavin pulls a handgun from the back of his jeans and levels it at Trevor, pulling the trigger and killing him instantly. The bang of the firearm so close to my head makes my ears ring, but I'll live. Unlike Trevor. He's dead. Deader than a doornail. I knew Trevor's death wasn't something Gavin would drag out. He's had years to fester over Jess' death, but now that it's done, hopefully, the remaining demons will flee, and he'll feel lighter.

"You going to be okay?" Vinny asks, stepping up next to Gavin and I.

Gavin shakes himself out of his stupor and nods his head. "Yeah." He smiles at us, shocking the shit out of me. "I came to terms with Jess' death a while ago, and I know it's not my fault, and she would want me to move on and be happy. It just feels more resolute now that the one at fault is dead."

"So, we good?" I ask, needing to know. Needing to hear that he isn't going to backslide and pull away, haunted by her death once again.

"We're good, baby girl." He kisses me sound on the lips, reiterating his words.

Hunter clasps Gavin on his back and pulls him into a hug, Vinny doing the same the second Hunter releases him. Every one of my men was affected when Jess' murder happened, and this is the closure that all of them needed.