Trevor comes to with a jolt, rapidly blinking his eyes, trying to focus on his surroundings. Hunter and I stay silent, and the anticipation ramps up as we wait for him to finally realize the situation he's put himself in.

A squeak leaves the big man's lips when his eyes clear, finding Hunter all up in his business. I want to laugh so badly at the noise he makes. He sounds like a squirrel yelling about someone taking his nuts. We could take his nuts, but I don't think we're going to have to take it that far before he squeals.

"Wha---what's the meaning of this shit, Hunter?" I've got to hand it to Trevor. He's doing his best to sound strong and imposing, but even I heard the quiver in his voice when he said Hunt's name. Even though it's disrespectful as fuck to call him by his first name with how high Hunter's rank is compared to his own.

"Did you really think we wouldn't find out?" Hunter asks in a deep rumble, causing the hair on my arms to stand on end.

"Find out what? I didn't do anything! I just got promoted! Go ask your boss!"

"My boss? Don't you mean our boss?"

"No. Yes, yes." Trevor backtracks quickly, frantically nodding his head. "Our boss. I got promoted today, and then I was getting ready to head home since they gave me the rest of the day off."

I huff a laugh, drawing his attention. "You're a gullible, stupid fuck, ya know that? But you didn't answer Hunter's question."

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you crazy fucking bitch. Vinny will have both of your heads when he finds out you treated his new sergeant this way." I snort out loud. I can't help it.

"If I'm going to have anyone's head, it'll be yours, traitor," Vinny growls out, low and menacing. My heart skips a beat at the danger emanating from his solid form. I'm not even sure when he got here. The fucker is so damn quiet; I didn't even realize it. Maybe I need to get a bell to put in his pocket if he can sneak up on people without them knowing. The door didn't even make any noise when he came in.

"Mr. Andoneli, Sir, I don't know what you're insinuating, but I've been loyal to not only you but also your dad for a long time." The sniveling little jerk has to work harder than that if he thinks anyone in this room is going to believe him.

"If that's the case, explain this." Vinny steps closer, holding out his phone for Trevor to watch. I already know he's playing the footage from the corrupted files Arden was able to fix.

Trevor's complexion pales the more he watches, and I know immediately when he sees his own betrayal happening before his eyes. The smell of urine heavily laces the room as a giant wet spot forms on the front of his pants. There's no getting out of this now.

"So, do you want to try again?" Vinny asks, repocketing his phone when the clip ends.

"What does it matter; I'm going to fucking die anyway. So you might as well fucking kill me."

"This can go one of two ways," Hunter rumbles, finding his feet and heading toward the cabinet without looking back. "Either you tell me what I want to know, and I'll make your death quick and painless. Or you can beat around the fucking bush, and I'll make sure you feel pain the likes of which you've never felt before, then leave you to bleed out. You'll sit in my holding cell, feeling everything I've done to you, and slowly die while I reopen every cut I'm about to make over and over again. It'll be true torture."

"I'll start," Vinny murmurs, removing his suit jacket and tossing it into the corner of the room. Out of the blood spatter radius. "Who introduced you to Archibald Kilroy?"

Trevor rolls his lips in between his teeth, not saying a word.

"Wrong answer," Hunter sings gleefully. His arm lashes out, a brutal efficiency in his movements as he removes Trevor's lips from his face. A mottled scream greets my ears, followed by the sound of Trevor trying to spit his own lips out from behind his teeth. "Try again."

It's hard to understand what Trevor's saying without his lips to form words, but he finally grinds out, "Bianca."

"Fucking cunt," I hiss. I'm so sick and tired of that bitch's name being associated with all the fucking issues we're having. She needs to die already.

"And how did Bianca get you to turn traitor against the family you've been a part of for fifteen years?" Vinny tilts his head, regarding Trevor with unveiled fury simmering in his hazel orbs.

“Se ucked e.”

“I’m sorry, what was that?” Hunter snickers as he asks, darting in and dragging the knife down Trevor's torso, relishing in his shout of pain.

"F...f...fucked e."

I wrinkle my nose. How fucking desperate and disgusting on both their parts. They both lowered themselves to fucking each other to get something out of it.

My eyes trail over to Vinny, wanting to see how he reacts to the news of his unfaithful cunt of an ex-girlfriend. Surprisingly, he's as calm as can be; the news not worrying him in the slightest. If he had any feelings for her whatsoever, I'd know it by how he acts, but he's giving me nothing. Thank the Gods because if he still does, whatever our relationship currently is would be dead in the water.

"So, just to clarify, Bianca brought you into the fold, and you went willingly because she was fucking you, and you helped with the logistics of the compound to aid them in their raids." Vinny starts rolling up his shirt sleeves, showcasing veiny, delicious forearms I want to lick, as Trevor nods his head, blood and saliva dripping from between his teeth. "Since the last raid, the one caught on camera, have you still been in contact with them?"

His shoulders slump in defeat as he nods his head once again.

A harsh puff of air leaves him in a whoosh as Vinny buries his fist right into Trevor's solar plexus, a few inches above where the chains are wrapped around his waist.