"Thank you, Mr. Taylor."
"You're welcome. Come with me, we're going to have a celebratory drink, and then you're being given the rest of the day off, paid, for your service."
"Well, shit. I can't wait for my anniversary, too, if that's what we get," Becca murmurs, Brent nodding his head in agreement.
Trevor and I leave them behind as head back toward the main entrance of the house. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Trevor stealing glances at me and fidgeting a bit. A dead giveaway that he's uncomfortable with the situation, especially due to his role in the attacks, but he knows that it's not really something he can turn down. After all, I'm a higher rank than he is, so he's stuck listening to me. Plus, the man is a fucking lush and would never turn down free booze.
After we enter the main door, Haylee breezes by, stopping to kiss me, then hurries toward the dining room, where the scent of bacon is coming on strong. If I have to guess, Andre is making BLTs for lunch. Yum.
I guide Trevor toward the den, then motion for him to take a seat as soon as we get there. He plops down on the couch like he owns the place as I head toward the drink cart in the corner. I pour us two fingers each of Vinny's finest whiskey and head back over to Trevor, handing him his glass. Vinny advised me to use his good shit because this ass would probably throw a stink if I tried to give him the cheap shit we reserve for others.
Sitting across from him, I watch as he swirls his glass, then brings it to his lips, taking a sip. He smacks his lips annoyingly, savoring the taste of the five-hundred-dollar-a-bottle whiskey.
"So," I take a small sip myself. The last thing I need is to get hammered on an empty stomach. "We're really happy with your performance over the last fifteen years, and I wanted to talk to you about a promotion in our ranks." Yeah, I'm totally winging it here, but this fuck doesn't need to know that.
"A promotion?" He raises a brow, taking another sip but keeping his eyes on me.
It's a good thing I have one hell of a poker face, or I'd totally blow this as I lie my ass off.
"Yeah. You've slowly been moving up, but we think it's time you take on a more important role. You've been with us for so long and have fought by our side through all the bullshit over the years; we feel it's time to move you up to Sergeant."
A smile splits his lips for a moment, and then it disappears like it was never there in the first place.
"I could handle that," he mutters, finishing off his glass.
"It'll come with a pay raise, of course, but there will also be a few more responsibilities, but we feel you're more than capable to be able to handle them."
"Shoot." What kinds of questions can he have? I just offered him a raise. More money means more booze. There isn't anything else he wants or needs except that.
"Do you think you can throw in a bottle of the whiskey, too? Ya know, as like an anniversary gift or something." Jeez, I should have fucking known.
"Done." That grin reappears at my agreement. "Let me get you a refill, and we'll toast to your new position."
"Fuck yeah," he murmurs as he holds his empty glass out for me to take. Mine is still basically full, not that he realizes it. "Thanks." Holy shit, the ass has manners.
We hang for a while longer, Trevor polishing off another glass as we talk about random bullshit. Luckily, my phone hasn't gone off to alert me of any issues with the guy, so it's safe to say he has no idea the true reason he's here. Not that I've given him any reason to think differently. I'm still nursing my first cup as Trevor starts to relax back against the couch more as the whiskey takes hold.
Right on cue, Haylee bustles into the den, a mischievous grin on her face, swaying her hips. Trevor leers at her with lust in his eyes, and as much as I wish I could rip them out of his face, I stay silent and still as she comes over and plops down next to me. This is another reason Hunter wouldn't have been able to pull this off. He would kill the fucker without blinking an eye at the way he's openly staring at her. Probably imagining all the dirty things he wants to do to her.
"I just heard the good news, Trevor. Congrats on the promotion. Vinny is going to need all the good guys at his back when I go home."
"When are you leaving?" he asks as his eyes dip to his empty glass, then over his shoulder toward the drink cart.
This is just too easy. I could probably keep him here all day if I continue plying him with alcohol.
"Probably within the next week or two. Things are finally settling down at home, and I'm needed there more than I am here."
"Well, we'll miss ya when you leave." I'm sure you will, fucker.
"Thanks. I'll miss you guys all, too. You've all been amazing, and I appreciate all you've done in keeping me safe during my stay." Haylee's one hell of an actress. Arden told us how vehemently she wanted to kill this guy, and the fact that she's able to sit here, calm as can be, and hold a conversation without pulling a Hunter and offing this guy here and now says a lot about her and how much she's grown. She hasn't even had any panic attacks or needed to count to get her emotions under control. Every day, she's becoming the mafia princess soon-to-be queen she's meant to be.
These are all the things that have held her back before from taking over besides the alpha bark problem, which has also been rectified. Thane and Rebecca are going to be surprised at the changes in her. And proud. I know they will be so damn proud of the woman she's become just since she's been here. I'd like to think that myself, Arden, and Hunter also have something to do with it. Maybe even Vinny, too.
"Let me grab a drink, and we'll toast to new beginnings." Haylee jumps off the couch, going for the drink cart.