“I love you, too, sweets.”
Her breathing finally evens out, and as much as I wish I could join her for a nap, there’s still work to be done.
Not wanting to wake her, I carefully slide my chair forward and reach around her, checking what my computer has found.
There, on the screen, plain as day, is none other than Archibald Kilroy with a shit-ass eatin’ grin on his face as whoever is next to him is pointing and calling out commands to those around him.
Again, I don’t see the point of hiding this shit. We knew it had to be either him or Lionel pulling the strings, but either way, both of them are going down.
Checking the other alert that went off, I find a series of images and locations of everywhere Archie has been since the attack. Why the fuck didn’t these come up immediately when it was happened? Not like we would have seen it, though, since we were in the fight of our lives at the time. But three weeks later? That’s fucking ridiculous.
“Who’s that?” Haylee sleepily asks. I must have been so deep into the videos that I didn’t even feel her move. Hell, I didn’t even feel my knot recede or that I slipped out of her warmth.
My eyes dart back over to the other screen, a growl ripping from my throat as I see who she’s asking about.
“That’s Trevor. He’s one of our guards, or should I say was at this point.” That son of a bitch is shaking hands on the video with Archibald and looking mighty fucking proud of himself. The fucking traitor. “The bastard has been working here every day since then, and we’ve been none-the-wiser.”
I click a few keys on the keyboard and bring up the guard rotation. He’s off today and tomorrow, but he’s scheduled to be here the day after. As a plan starts to form in my mind a smile curls my lips when I realize just how perfect and unexpected it’ll be.
This fucker will get what’s coming to him. In more ways than one.
“I’ll fucking kill him,” Haylee seethes, sounding more awake than she was a moment ago.
“Yes, you will, sweets.”
After we found yet another traitor in our midst last night, Arden and I quickly threw our clothes back on and took all the information to Vinny. To say he was pissed was an understatement. The man, Trevor Holt, has been with the Andoneli family for years, and for him to up and turn traitor was a blindside none of them saw coming.
Vinny’s office was in disarray by the time we got him to calm down after giving him the news. He threw anything he could get his hands on. I was worried we’d have to step in to avoid any further injury to his side, but he refrained from any major physical exertion that might reinjure the wound.
He’s a lucky fucker cause I would have kicked his ass if I had to call Doc to come over and patch him up again.
Once we finally got him calmed down, we all retired to bed for the night, and once the sun broke the horizon this morning, we all convened in what we are now calling the war room. Andre wasn’t happy that we took over his dining room, but with Vinny’s office a mess, there was no else to really do it.
Or, at least, that’s what the guys said.
I call bullshit because this house is massive with a million and one rooms, but if they want to hang out in the dining room, who am I to say no? At least if I want a snack, I really don’t have to go far.
Andre bustles into the room with a silver tray in his hands, a steaming pot of coffee, five mugs, and cream and sugar calling my name. He places the tray down on the buffet table near the door to the kitchen, and I jump up from my seat, excited for my morning go-go juice. It’ll be cup three for me, but I mean, hello, it’s coffee. We’re going to be practically living on it as we plan this shit.
Andre leaves without a word and heads back into the kitchen, most likely getting together something we can nibble on since he’s said more than once that coffee isn’t acceptable as a meal replacement. Obviously, he doesn’t know me well enough yet to know that coffee is everything.
Before I even reach the buffet table, Vinny strides ahead of me and starts putting together a cup for himself. I huff. Jerk. He could have at least let me get mine first. I mean, I know he’s the Don, but come on! I stop behind him, propping my fists on my hips as I death-glare him for getting between me and my goodness.
He spins on his heel, the cup held protectively in his hands, and thrusts out his arms, holding the hot mug out to me. I stare at him dumbfoundedly, blinking my eyes, unsure I’m seeing things right.
Who the fuck is this man?
Was there an alien invasion last night, and a caring alien replaced the Don?
He offers me a blinding smile that lights up his hazel eyes as I reach out to take it from him. Still just…blinking at him. I look around the room, checking on the guys and making sure they are seeing this shit, too. Like, I know I’m not imagining this shit.
Vinny drops a kiss on my forehead and spins back around, making another cup, presumably for himself.
“Thank you?” I say more as a question than a statement. Yeah, it’s lame as hell, but I’m still too shocked to say more.
“You’re welcome, princess,” he rumbles, putting the finishing touches on his own coffee.
Humming happily, I take a sip, completely surprised that my coffee is absolutely perfect. The man has been doing his homework or watching me intently enough to know how I like it made.