That man is just way too tempting for his own good.

* * *

Nights like these are my favorite, but they’re way too far between. The mattress is soft against my back as I bask in the combined scents of my men: Gavin, Hunter, and Arden. There’s a noticeable absence that only I can feel, wishing that Vinny is here, too.

Maybe the guys can feel it; I’m not sure. I’ve never asked, and they have never offered up an answer either. If things continue to work out between Vinny and me, will things be this relaxed, or will they be tense? I hope for the former because there’s been enough tension through the entire group the entire time I’ve been here.

Only recently, there was a notable shift since Vin and I have been trying to figure things out between us. I won’t lie; I’m still salty that he’s my fated mate, and I never knew. But the past is the past, and we must look toward the future.

A future with me and my pack. All of them. Vinny included.

“So, I need you guys to do something for me,” I giggle, remembering what I said to Vinny earlier today in his office. “If you guys don’t want to, I completely understand.”

“What is it, baby girl?” Gavin asks, propping himself up on his elbow and looking down at me. The man is just so handsome. His blue eyes shine in the low light in the room, his blond hair still damp from his shower before he climbed into bed with me.

The rest of my guys watch me, waiting to hear what I have to ask them. It’s a heady feeling, having all their attention on me so raptly, but it also makes me feel like they care about what I say and what I want to ask.

“So…umm…” I fidget in bed, unsure how to bring up the first part of this because they need to know about it before I ask them to do something for me. “I’m not sure if you guys know, but something happened between us today.” The guys stay silent, still observing me, and I’m thankful there are no hard feelings or them being upset at me for it happening. “We didn’t do anything major, but I may have punished him for being out of bed when he should be healing.”

Hunter raises a brow and rolls onto his stomach, putting his chin on his hands. “And what do you mean by nothing major, little killer? Did Vinny bury his face between those beautiful thighs of yours and eat that delicious cunt? Or did you get on your knees for him and show him what he’s been missing?”

A deep, throbbing ache builds in my core at his words. I rub my thighs together for friction, wishing more than anything that that’s what actually went down.

“Nah, that’s not what happened, is it, baby girl?” Gavin rumbles, moving closer and burying his face into the crook of my neck, inhaling my scent heavily mixed with my arousal.

My cheeks heat as I avoid their knowing stares.

What I did to Vinny—or with Vinny—is not something I would typically do. I may not be new to sex anymore, but getting myself off in front of someone isn’t something I’ve done before. It was hot as fuck to watch him squirm in his chair, doing everything he could not to touch me. Even though he wanted to so damn badly.

“Spill it, sweets. Something happened that has you smelling so damn delectable.”

“Well,” I clear my throat and nibble my lip, “I sprawled across his desk and got myself off while he was sitting in his chair.” My face feels flaming as I keep going. “I told him it was his punishment and that he couldn’t touch. Then, after I came, I smeared my slick on his mouth and told him he isn’t allowed to take care of himself.”

My words are met with raucous laughter, the noise bouncing off the bedroom walls, sounding even louder than what they are.

“Okay, okay.” Hunter wipes a tear from his eye and ruffles his droopy mohawk. “So if you gave him a show, what do you want to ask of us?”

Bed swallow me whole. If they reacted that way to what happened, how would they take me asking them to make sure Vinny hasn’t gotten himself off?

“Well… I was hoping you guys could help by making sure Vinny isn’t getting himself off. It’s punishment, so he needs to hurt for a while. Blue balls, ya know? Or would it be blue knot?” I tilt my head as I consider it. “Anyway, yeah…” I trail off as all three of them stare at me blankly. “Or not…”

Rolling over with a huff, I bury my face in my pillow, absolutely mortified that I just asked them of that.

Hunter snickers, causing me to look up at him and raise a brow.

“Fuck yeah, I’ll help, little killer. Operation Blue Knot shall commence now.” Arden and Gavin nod their heads in agreement, with mischievous smiles lighting up their faces.

Hunter grabs his phone from the bedside table and rapidly types across the screen. He lets out a loud guffaw, then tilts his phone so I can see.


Hands off the knot, Boss. Lady Boss says so.

My mouth gapes in astonishment as Hunter passes his phone around to the other guys, them chucking in return.

Out of nowhere, we hear a loud “Fuck off!” come from down the hall. We all break into giggles and laughter, then laugh even harder as the door slams in the direction of Vinny’s room. Gavin is cracking up so damn hard he rolls right off the bed, starting another round of cackling.

Hunter’s phone buzzes from where he laid it on his bare chest, and I snatch it before he can read it.