“But why now? Why are we… whatever this is… why now?”
“Are you questioning my intentions?”
She shakes her head, dropping her gaze to the ground. All at once the earlier confidence has disappeared and in its place is doubt. As I take her in, she’s no longer the fierce leader but a timid little girl who has had her heart broken, her soul crushed, all by the people she cared about.
I tip her chin up, meeting her defiant gaze.
“I’m wondering where this is coming from. Six months ago you wouldn’t look twice at me like you are right now.”
“I’ve always cared about you, Bianchi. Ever since the day I met you, there was something about you. But you were Enzo’s. Maybe not in the way he wanted, or you for that matter. But you were always his.”
A single tear rolls down her cheek. “But why now?”
I reach up and capture it with my thumb, tasting the salty sadness on my tongue. “Why not?”
“How does this work?” she says with a frown. “I’m your leader. I like you, but…”
“We do whatever we want. There are no rules, Bianchi.” I press my forehead to hers again, my entire body fighting me to get another taste of those lips. “You make them.”
“I don’t know how to do this, Levi.” She wrings her hands together.
Her words are loud and clear. They hit me right where it hurts when I know it shouldn’t. It’s just the wrong time. I should have seen past my own urges and thought about her. Cazzo. Her last relationship was Luciano and that was seven years ago. He fucked her up royally and even though I know I would treat her better, that’s a different level of trust altogether.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes, but…” her voice carries softly. In any other circumstance it would make me rethink what I’m about to do. She reaches for my hand, but I’m already backing away without giving her the opportunity to make me stay.
“Trust this,” I smile. “Take the time and space. I’m not going anywhere.”
And with that, I spin on my heel and head for the door.
“Levi, wait!”
Pulling up to the meet point, dust from the hills kicking up clouds beneath the tires. My thoughts are lost as I think back to last night’s events.
I can’t say I wasn’t pissed about the Governor getting handsy with Serafina, but I have to admit that she surprised me. Obviously, Levi didn’t appreciate my jokes. That guy is far too wound up. He needs to get laid.
Maybe that’s it. Something is going on between Levi and Sera. I don’t want to ask what, but I’m pretty sure his anger stemmed from jealousy and deep-seated possessiveness. I wish I could say I didn’t resonate with that, but I’d be lying. I thought I could bury those feelings, but my adoration for her is starting to grate on me. How can I be mad at someone I like?
Yes. I like her.
I’ve gone from being a lost soul with only vengeance on the brain to a man hanging on every word Bianchi says. It came out of the blue, only really hitting me the other night when Luciano appeared. I thought my retaliation came from a need to protect Sera’s honor, when in fact, it came from a deeper place. A place I’ve never really ventured to before.
Sure, I hate men demeaning women, beating on women, but I snapped that night. I wasn’t protecting her honor, I was defending it. I don’t know how to decode what’s happening anymore. I’ve alway felt something for Bianchi, no matter how simple and irrelevant it was. But my alliance with her now has turned into something stemming from more than just revenge and loyalty.
A black Sedan pulls up in front of me. After leaving Sera’s last night, I received a call from my contact. Someone I’ve hired the assistance of because my skills only stretch so far. They’ve been keeping tabs on everyone, and with good reason. The Verdis have instilled doubt in all of the families—probably intentionally. Which is why safety is important. Not just for me, but for Serafina too.
It’s early morning, but with the sun blazing down already, I can tell it’s going to be a good day. I’ve chosen this place for a reason. The only people ever to venture up here are hikers, and with today’s weather forecast, the area isn’t going to be visited anytime soon.
A door opens from the black Sedan in front of me.
“This him?” Marco asks from the passenger seat. I’ve told the brothers who we’re meeting today. Surprise didn’t come close to the look on Matteo’s face when I mentioned the family name.
I nod, narrowing my eyes on Rafael Mancini, the leader of the smallest family this side of the West Coast Mafia. He’s dressed in a suit, the top of his shirt unbuttoned. For a guy who sits behind a computer most of the day, he has the assassin vibe down to the letter. Between the suit and good looks, you wouldn’t have thought that he prefers the company of whirring boxes and lit up screens. And I’m the type of guy to appreciate a good looking man when I see one.