I smile at the gesture, re-lacing my fingers with Sera’s. “I hope it sticks him in the ass.”
Who knew visiting my best friend’s grave would actually give me the closure I needed?
Not me.
I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, like I can finally focus on my next steps; revenge. We spent an hour or so at Enzo’s grave. Levi and I mostly talked about the moments we all shared as kids. Levi told me about all the times he and Enzo would get in trouble over stupid shit, and Enzo would always take the rap. That hit me the deepest, because I realized that he was always like that; always the protector.
It felt so good to speak openly about Enzo, so good that for the first time last night, I actually slept. It was a stirred sleep, but it was enough for me to walk into my office the next day with a clear head and an even clearer mindset. I’m still not one hundred percent certain on having Giovanni around, but I can rest easy that Levi has back up if anything were to happen. If only my father felt the same way.
“That was idiotic, Sera,” he barks down the phone.
“What would you have me do?” I snap. “I had protection!” I don’t mention the bitterness I feel about him sending extra protection for me. That decision is up to me and me alone.
“You think a funeral would have stopped The Verdis?” he scoffs. “They attacked you at your own inauguration, at your grandfather’s home!”
I sigh, realizing how right he is. It was naïve of me to think that I’d be safe there, The Verdis aren’t above anything. “Sorry, Pa,” I reply defeatedly. “I’ll make sure I’m more careful.”
“Tesora, te amo tanto. I can’t lose you.”
I feel his words hit something deep in my chest. Since the attack, we’ve barely spoken. It’s only because Levi updated him on everything and let slip about our visit. I can’t be mad at him, though. Levi is looking out for me in every aspect of the word.
After saying goodbye, I head into the conference room. Giovanni stands against the wall, his stoic form standing out like a statue that doesn’t belong.
“The Ferrante brothers are in,” Luca states, staring me down as I take a seat at the conference table. His blue gaze is darker than I remember, and his blonde hair has grown out too. I haven’t seen him since months before the attack, but I’m certain he hasn’t seen a razor in a few days.
“And the Rocco family?” Levi asks.
Luca doesn’t answer, and I take his silence as the reply we were expecting. I knew it would be difficult to band the families back together after what happened. It’s hard enough having the backing from those closest to you, let alone those you’ve barely shared the same circles with. Being ruled by a female is practically an abomination, but it isn’t unheard of, which is why I’m not surprised to hear the Rocco family won’t become our allies.
The Rocco family are the most notorious for selling off their women to the most powerful families; anything to get leverage. It was a shot in the dark that they might be willing to align with us, but I take note of the fact that they won’t be siding with the Verdi family either. It seems they want to remain neutral in all of this. It’s probably so they have pickings of the next male to subject their women, too.
I could use my position. The thought has already crossed my mind, but that would be declaring war. Right now, a war isn’t what I need. I’m not willing to put other families at risk unless they put themselves there. It’s something my father taught me, something I’ve come to understand the importance of over the last few weeks.
I look towards Levi, gesturing for him to continue. I’ve left him in charge of this, so he’s the one asking the questions. I’ve put great faith in him to lead this, and so far, he has done a great job. I don’t know what he said to get Luca here, but I am grateful.
“Is there anyone else willing to join with us?” he asks.
Luca glances at me. I can almost see the cogs turning in his head. He blames me for what happened to his father. Hell, I blame myself, too. I’m sure a lot of other families do as well, because if I hadn’t accepted the position, if I had fought my father and rejected the notion, I’d still have my best friend, and members of the other families would still be alive. But I can’t keep living in the ‘what-if’s’. Enzo is gone, Don Fontana has gone. It’s up to me to fix this, to assert my position and remind the families who they are fucking with.
I should really clear the air with Fontana, too, because this room is filled with so much tension you would need a chainsaw to get through it.
“Leave us,” I say softly.
Luca goes to stand.
“No,” I cut in, turning my attention to Giovanni and Levi. “I want to talk to Fontana, alone.”
“I don’t—”
My glare cuts Levi off. He knows he shouldn’t be questioning me, not unless I ask for his support or advice. This is my decision, and I am willing to accept the consequences.
With a huff, Levi stands. “We’ll be right outside.”
The warning doesn’t go unnoticed. He’s not just letting me know he’s prepared to step in if anything happens, he’s prepared to take down Luca if he comes near me.