“I know,” Raf answers solemnly.
“What exactly happened between you two?” I ask.
“Nothing,” Levi huffs. “He did nothing.”
I frown. Suddenly, the tension is back. Both Raf and Levi are staring daggers into one another.
“He sat back and watched Luciano ruin Bianchi.”
“That’s not what happened!” Raf growls.
“It’s pretty much the story, though. Right?” Levi clenches his fists, no so subtly.
“I was young,” Raf says, turning to me. Not that he needs to explain himself, but it doesn’t hurt. “I was naïve. I didn’t know any better and I thought that was…” he takes a deep breath. “I thought that was their relationship. I didn’t want to get involved—“
“Even when she came to you and asked for help?”
Cazzo. I didn’t know their interaction went this deep. Judging by the anger rolling off the twins in waves, I’d say they weren’t aware of this either. I thought it was just some shallow buried hatred from Sera because of his association with the Verdis, but no. Sera has every reason to not trust Raf for that.
“My loyalties were to Luciano and his family.” Raf says the words, but I can tell he’s disgusted with himself. “As soon as I saw who they really were, as soon as I saw everything, I took a step back.”
“Everything?” Levi quizzes, jerking a brow up.
“The Verdis were into some shady shit. They still are. Once I saw that side of their business, I didn’t want any part of it. And I sure as shit don’t want anything to happen to Bianchi.”
That I feel in my core. Raf has always been an honest man. Sure, we’re all into shady shit to some degree, but Raf has morals. Most of us do. So whatever business he didn’t want to be a part of, must have been darker than we all consider. Hell, I wouldn’t put it past the Verdis to be like Greco and his disgusting business choices.
“I’m only standing by this because of him,” Levi states, throwing a thumb in my direction. “I trust Fontana’s judgment, so if he’s bringing you to our side I’ll forgive your past discretions. Though, I can’t say the same for Serafina. I’ll do what I can to placate her, but it won’t be easy.”
“I know,” Raf says sheepishly.
“Don’t make me regret it, Mancini.”
“I won’t.”
I comb my fingers through my damp hair and take a look at my reflection. I’m looking a lot more refreshed now, but that doesn’t calm the impending doom sending me into a spiral. I knew leading would be difficult, but I never expected it to be a constant fight for my own survival. And if what Raf says is true, I’m going to need to make a visit to the bay. Visiting The Vultures is not my ideal situation, but it might be the only solution to call them off.
Pinning my hair up, I dab on some makeup. My lip can’t be saved right now, neither can the bandage on my head, but I can at least fix the dark circles plaguing my eyes.
A knock at the door has me turning from the bathroom counter. Levi pokes his head through the bedroom door hesitantly. “You okay?” he asks gently.
I exhale, allowing my shoulders to drop. Between last night’s events and Raf appearing back in my life, I’m a little torn on the exact emotion I should be feeling. Something doesn’t sit right with me. Raf willing to help us, The Vultures knowing where we would be. Maybe we do have a mole.
My father would know what to do. He has the experience and knowledge to advise me.
“I’m fine,” I sigh, wincing at the headache returning.
“So what’s the plan for today?”
I lean back against the wall. It’s a question I need to think about. If I even consider asking my dad for advice or help, I don’t want him to think I’m weak. Then again, anyone who knows what happened last night might think that anyway.
“We need to see my father,” I answer reluctantly.
Levi frowns, but he doesn’t question me on it. He’s probably inwardly agreeing with this decision because there’s only so much he can advise me on. He’s got the battle strategy, but I need to hash out the consequences. I need to make sure I’m not missing anything when it comes to taking down the Verdis.