Page 46 of The Silence Lies

“I heard that!” She grabs my hand, looking sternly into my eyes. “I would never allow that to happen, Fontana.”

The way she says those words holds so much more meaning than she realizes. Just those simple words seem to knock down more of that solid wall I had built up. The more she speaks, the harder she looks at me with such fierce determination, the more those bricks tumble.

“Here,” I say, clearing my throat. “Let me see.”

She releases my hand, allowing me to finally get a look at her arm. Thankfully, it’s just a flesh wound. There’s a fair amount of blood, but there’s no entry or exit wound. Just a sharp gash slashing her flesh.

“It’s superficial.”

She frowns while I grab the hem of her dress.

“What’s that meant to mean?”

“That you’ll live another day,” I smirk, grabbing a shard of glass from the floor.

“I’m sorry, Dolcezza.”


I rip the hem of her dress. It’s not much, but it’s enough to both destroy the dress and make a tourniquet.

“Shit, Bianchi!” Levi appears from the side of the vehicle, panting. He has both Marco and Matteo in tow and they look like they’ve seen better days. I’m glad to see they’re not harmed, though. They put up a good fight back there. It makes me glad I put my trust in them in the first place.

“I’m fine!” Sera laughs, waving Levi off. “Luca says it’s superficial. Though, I don’t know if he was referring to me or the gunshot wound.”

“Gunshot wound!?”

I finish tying the material around Sera’s arm, while she bats off a frantic Levi. It’s not hygienic, but it’s enough to stem the bleeding until we get home.

Shit. We need to get home.

While Levi helps Sera stand, fussing over her, I make my way over to the fifth dead body by the tree line. It’s nobody I recognize, even without a bullet hole right in the center of the man’s forehead. I glance back at Bianchi, then at the dead body, rubbing my forehead in disbelief. I knew Sera could use a gun, but I didn’t know she was a good shot. I don’t think I could have even made that shot, at least not at night and from this range.

My thoughts are scrambled as I crouch down and dig for the man’s wallet.


“I don’t like this,” I say over my shoulder.

Sera frowns at me. “What?”

“I don’t recognize him.” I head over to the other body by the car, the one Marco took out. I already know what I’m going to find and I don’t like it at all. “Or him,” I sigh.

I turn to see Sera is still frowning, absentmindedly rubbing her arm.

“Either Verdi is outsourcing, or…”

Levi runs his hand through his hair. “Or there’s another player involved.”

Pulling my phone out, I dial Raf’s number. He’s the only other person I trust right now, and I know he’ll be able to help.

“Fontana,” his deep voice carries through the speaker.

“Where are you?”

“Why? What do you need?”

I turn to the group, watching their weary faces. “A ride.”