I just laugh, and she rolls her eyes and says, “I’m so gullible.”

“It’s one of the many things I like about you.”

“I don’t know why I thought he was you,” Alice says. “You’re nothing alike really.”

“We’re identical,” I say, amused.

“Maybe. But he doesn’t make my heart race the same way you do.”

It’s such a nice thing to say, and it makes me glow. I put my briefcase down, call for an Uber, then catch her hand, and she turns to face me. Slowly, I move toward her, fixing my gaze on hers. Her eyes widen, and she takes a couple of steps backward, stopping when she reaches the wall with a bump.

Closing the distance between us, I hold her hands down by our sides, linking her fingers with mine. She’s wearing sandals, and she’s a few inches shorter than me, so I have to dip my head to bring my mouth close to hers, where I pause.

“Oh,” she says helplessly, her breath whispering across my lips.

I wait, savoring the moment. I’ve been thinking about kissing her all day, struggling to concentrate in my meeting, wondering how I was going to feel when I first set eyes on her again. I’d convinced myself she couldn’t possibly be as beautiful as I remembered, and that I must have imagined the electricity that passed between us every time we touched. But she is beautiful. And I didn’t imagine our attraction.

“Are you going to kiss me?” she asks.

I move closer so I’m pressing her up against the wall. “I’m enjoying the anticipation,” I murmur, kissing up her jaw to her ear, and nuzzling behind it.

She shivers. “Normally I’d agree, but I’m dying here.”

I inhale, breathing in her sweet scent, and kiss the delicate skin behind her ear. “You smell amazing.”

“Kip, for Christ’s sake…”

I laugh and brush my lips along her jaw to her mouth. She sighs and her lips part, and I slide my tongue inside and intertwine it with hers in a luxurious kiss that seems appropriate for the beautiful summer’s day.

Then I lift my head and wrap my arms around her. She slides hers around my waist, and we stand there and hug for a while. I close my eyes for a moment, breathing in the summer air, just enjoying having her in my arms at last.

“You okay?” she asks eventually. “Saxon told me about your meeting. Damon said someone walked out. Was it Craig?”

“Yeah. It didn’t go well.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I lower my arms. My stomach is still churning from the unpleasant atmosphere in the room, but I refuse to let him spoil my time with Alice. I look into her baby-blue eyes. “I should have organized it so we were going home first. I don’t know if I can wait until after dinner to make love to you.”

She gives me a dazzling smile. “We’ve waited this long. And we need to keep our strength up.”

“That is true.” I sigh and release her, and pick my briefcase up as the Uber arrives. “Okay. Come on then.”

We get in the car, sitting close in the back, holding hands.

“How’s your mum?” I ask as the driver navigates the busy roads.

She tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “She’s good, thank you. She and Charlie are having a girlie few days while I’m away. I think they’re going to watch back-to-back episodes ofThe Bachelorette.”

“You don’t like the series?”

She wrinkles her nose. “There aren’t any elves or robots in it.”

That makes me laugh. “You don’t like romance?”

“Of course I do! I found the scene where Luke Skywalker snogged his sister very romantic.”

“What about where Leia tells Han Solo she loves him?”