Me:I doubt she’s talking about your ears, LOL.


Me:She always enjoys spending time with her sister. The two of them are quite naughty. She’s not supposed to drink, and they made margaritas.

Kip:She sounds as spirited as her daughter :-)

Me:Maybe! Kip, I just wanted to say thank you so much for a wonderful evening. And thank you so much for the flowers.

Kip:Oh… I wasn’t sure whether you’d be mad at me.

Me:For sending me such gorgeous flowers? Hardly!

Kip:Well, more for tracking down your home address. I don’t want you to think I’m stalking you.

Me:I’m guessing by the Cheshire Cat reference that you’ve worked out who I am, too.

Kip:I’m afraid so. I knew I recognized your voice. I listen to your podcast every week!

Me:Oh! Really?

Kip:I wish you’d told me while we were together. I’d love to have asked you about it. I’ve never had sex with a famous person before.

That makes me laugh.

Me:I’m not famous! Well not much!

Kip:Seriously though, I’m so impressed. You’re amazing.

Me:Well, right back atcha, boy. I Googled you, too.


Me:Yeah, Mr. Innovative-Computer-Engineer-with-a-Master’s-Degree-in-Software Development. That’s a pretty impressive bio. Not as impressive as your Tinder one, obviously…

Kip:It doesn’t mention the 27% rogue, anyway.

Me:No, LOL. Hey, I wanted to say, I’m so sorry to hear about the death of your cousin.

Kip:Thank you.

Me:I’m so sorry, I feel as if I’m intruding, but Charlie Googled you on the way home, and she read it out, and I just felt so awful for you.

Kip:You’re not intruding, and I’m touched you mentioned it. That’s who my tattoo is for.

Me:Oh, really?

It makes sense now. The cross—for Christian, and the infinity sign, a symbol of togetherness and eternity.

Kip:I miss him a lot. He was a good lad.

I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but he seems kind of sad today, and not just because he’s talking about his cousin.

Me:Are you okay? I’m probably completely wrong, but you seem a bit melancholic.

Kip:Sorry. I miss you. And I’ve had a shit afternoon.

I try to ignore the first bit and concentrate on the ‘shit afternoon’.