Me:So here’s a question. If you had to choose one between sci-fi and fantasy, which would you pick?

Alice:Ooh. Hmm. For books, I do love epic fantasy. For movies, probably sci-fi. I’m a big Alien fan.

Me:You are my lucky star :-)

Alice:Aw… you don’t know how happy that’s made me.

Me:LOL why?

Alice:I’m embarrassed to tell you.

Me:We’re best friends now, right? Spill the beans.

Alice:Ah, I matched with a guy today. He said he liked Alien, so I said that quote, and he had no idea what I was saying, LOL.


Alice:I also said you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me, which also fell on deaf ears.

Me:The Thing, right? Brilliant movie.


Me:Am I getting points for this?

Alice:You’ve been so great, I give you a gold star.

Me:I’m better than the previous candidate, then?

Alice:Oh, you have no idea. That was a total disaster.

Me:Aw that’s a shame. Well, not for me.

Alice:Me either, I’m beginning to think.


There’s a pause, and then she also replies with a heart emoji.


I chuckle.

Me:Yeah Tinder can be cutthroat at times. I had one girl turn me down because she said I wasn’t tall enough.

Alice:How tall are you?

Me:Six one LOL.

Alice:Wow. That’s fussy.

Me:I thought so. I’ve also had a couple of girls say I shouldn’t wear glasses in my photos as they’re a turnoff. I guess it’s sexier to walk into lampposts and fall down stairs.

Alice:If they’ve swiped left because of your glasses, it’s definitely their loss, not yours.

Me::-) So what’s the beagle’s name in the photo?

Alice:Frodo, LOL.