“You’ll always be boys to me.” She smiles. “Their meeting’s over. They won’t be long.”

I wander to the doorway of Kip’s office and glance inside. It’s large and spacious, the minimal furniture all chrome and glass. On the wall are framed posters of old sci-fi movies, likeInvaders from Mars, andThe Creature Walks Among Us.

“He likes space,” Marion says from behind me.

“It’s very neat,” I reply. “Your doing?”

“Nope, that’s all Kip,” she says. “I think Saxon is so untidy that Kip goes the other way.”

Saxon just laughs.

I turn as behind us someone says, “You found her, then?”

It’s obviously the twins’ brother. He’s younger. Taller. Heavier. Cockier. Good looking, and he obviously knows it. His eyes are a shade lighter than the twins’, and he has designer stubble rather than a beard.

“I did,” Saxon says. “Damon, this is Alice. Alice, our younger brother, Damon.”

We shake hands, my face warming as his gaze skims over me. “I’ve heard a lot about you,” he says.

“Likewise,” I tell him. “The word miscreant was used.”

He grins and glances at Saxon. “I like her already.”

Saxon grins. Then he says, casually enough that I know it’s not casual, “How’s it going in there?”

“He walked out,” Damon says.

Who did? Craig? Or Kip?

Saxon glances at me, then gestures at Kip’s office, and the two of them go inside and start murmuring.

I look at Marion, who smiles. “Lovely weather, isn’t it?” she asks.

“Beautiful. Wellington’s putting on a good show for me. Usually I’m blown to bits when I come here.”

She laughs. “Can I get you a coffee?”

“No thanks, too nervous.” I say it before I think better of it, wondering if she’ll make fun of me.

But she just says, “Aw, don’t be. He’s a pussycat.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, that’s all. I’m… ah… not quite sure what to expect. Out of sight, out of… you know.”

“You’ve not been out of his mind,” she states. “I can tell you that much.”

“Oh. Well.” I clear my throat. “How long have you worked for him?”

“Around five years. He works very hard. Twelve-to-fourteen-hour days, six or even seven days a week, most weeks. Usually I have to pry him out of his office with a shoehorn. This is the first week he’s taken off in years.

“Oh, he’s taking time off?” I hadn’t expected that. I thought he’d go in to work during the day and I’d see him in the evening.

“He was quite adamant about it,” she says. Then she leans forward conspiratorially. “I think he’s a little nervous, too, actually. He’s even wearing his best suit.”

I smile. “He’s taking me out to dinner.”

“I know. To Le Soleil, of all places.”

“Le Soleil?”