He speaks with authority and determination. It gives me goosebumps.

“You’re definitely not a submissive, are you?” I say softly.

“Nope. Does that bother you?”

My heart is banging on my ribs. “No.”

“Good. So, it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow. What are you up to?”

“I actually have an Ask Me Anything on the IamA subreddit at ten a.m.”

“Oh, really? Have you done that before?”

“No, my first time.”

“That should bring you in some new listeners, right?”

“That’s the plan. I’m a bit nervous, but excited too. What about you? What are you up to?”

“I’m off to my parents in the afternoon. I’ll stay for a couple of nights.”

“They have a nice place?”

“It’s okay,” he says. He’s smiling. “Saxon told me today he’s going to propose to Catie in the evening.”

“Oh, how wonderful!”

“I’m just hoping she says yes,” he says, and laughs.

“Why wouldn’t she?” I’m genuinely puzzled. The two of them looked very much in love when I met them.

“She’s had a tough upbringing. Her parents died, and she was brought up by an abusive stepmother. She actually ran away a few times, and lived on the streets for a while.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yeah, she’s a real-life Cinderella.”

I’m touched he’s confiding in me. “Where did she meet Saxon?”

“They had a one-night stand in Auckland. She left his hotel room in the middle of the night. He didn’t know where she was or even her real name. He moped for weeks. And then one day she just appeared at our offices. She didn’t know he worked there—she was there for a temporary job.”

“Jesus. What happened when she saw him?”

“She saw me first and couldn’t work out why I didn’t recognize her. She didn’t know he was a twin. I was really bemused as to why this pregnant girl was staring at me as if she knew me.”

“I bet you thought Jesus, I must have been really drunk that night.”

He laughs. “Well I hadn’t been with anyone for about six months, so I knew I wasn’t the dad.”

“Seriously? You haven’t dated for six months?”

“Nope. It takes a special girl to lure me away from work.”

I smile and scratch at a mark on my desk. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

“I shouldn’t give you compliments?”

“You know what I mean.”