
“It turns out she’d attempted to engineer the deal. She’s been pushing Craig to make us sell to her. I think she told him she’d stop seeing him if he didn’t make the deal.”

“Shit, really?”

“Yeah. It turns out their relationship is… ah… I’m not quite sure how to put it.”

“Now I’m interested,” I say, amused. “Spit it out.”

“I think there’s a Dom/Sub thing going on there.”

“I’m guessing you’re not referring to a Subway sandwich?”

He chuckles. “No.”

“I was going to ask if she preferred a six inch or a foot long.”

That makes him laugh out loud. “I adore you,” he says.

I smile. “I don’t know much about this stuff. So you’re saying she’s his submissive?”

“No. The other way around.” He sounds amused.

“Oh…” That startles me. I know it happens, of course, but I’m still surprised. “How could you tell? Was she dressed in leather and holding a whip?”

“Not quite. It was the way he acted with her, very subservient. It’s odd, but with his wife he’s always been the dominant one, telling her what to do, that kind of thing. I guess he wanted her to stand up to him, and when she didn’t, he went elsewhere.”

“Wow. I’m so naïve. I don’t know about any of this stuff.”

“Me neither.”

“I bet you know more than I do.”

“Well, that might be true, but it’s not something I’m interested in.”

“You don’t want me to tie you up and walk up and down your back in high heels?”

“If there’s any tying up to be done, it’s gonna be me doing it, you can bet on that.”

I blink at the vision of him tying me to the bed, and my whole body heats. “Ooh. I think I’ve just had a hot flush.”

That makes him laugh. “You like that idea?”

“Um… honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t quite get the whole power-play thing.”

“I guess it’s about giving up control for a while. And about trust. Putting your pleasure in someone else’s hands.”

We both fall silent for a moment. Suddenly, I’m filled with yearning. I wish I was there with him, so I could slip my hands beneath the hem of his tee and slide them over his warm skin and up his back while he kisses me. Oh God. I want that so bad.

He’s quiet too. Is he thinking the same thing?

I clear my throat. “How did you end it?”

“I told him I wanted his resignation in my inbox by the end of the day or I’d fire him.”

“Has it turned up yet?”

“Not yet. I’m hoping it will. If I have to fire him, I’m pretty sure lawyers are going to get involved. I don’t care—I’ll win. But I don’t really want the hassle.”