“Yeah. Should be good.”

“You going to call her afterward?”


He nods. “I’m sorry about Craig.”

I sigh. “Yeah. Me too.”

“It sucks, especially right before Christmas.”

“I know. Do you think I did the right thing?”

“Asking for his resignation? Fuck yeah. He couldn’t continue to work here after that. But I am sorry. I know you’ve known him for a long time.” He pauses. “Make sure you call Alice after the podcast.”

I smile. “Yeah, all right. Have a great weekend. I’ll see you tomorrow at Mum and Dad’s, right?”

“Yep. See you.” He ends the call.

I sit there for a while, sipping my whisky. The sliding doors are open, and I can hear birdsong from the trees beside the house. The sun hasn’t set yet, but it’s growing dark in the house. I should get up and put the lights on, but I can’t be arsed.

I slide down on the sofa, resting the glass on my chest, and think about the night Alice took me up to her room, and about her soft, warm body pressed up against mine. I want to see her again. I want to hear her husky voice and have her mouth on mine.

But all I have is her podcast, so I sigh and pull it up on my phone, then start it playing while I inhale the jasmine and pretend it’s her perfume I can smell.

Chapter Thirteen


Kip finally messages me just after eight p.m.Just finished the podcast, he says.

I’m in the living room, watching a movie with Mum and Charlie, curled up in one of the armchairs. Smiling, I text him back.What did you think?

Kip:Loved it. Thought you really brought her out of herself. She seemed very shy.

Me:She was. Nobody remains shy with me for long though!

Kip:You’re a very easy person to be with.

Me:Sorry did you just call me easy?

Kip:LOL no!

Me:I did sleep with you the first day I met you.

Kip:You were also a virgin. I’d hardly call that easy.

Me:Good point.

“Are you texting Kip?” Charlie asks.

I put my phone down, blushing. “No.”

“You are,” Mum says. “You’re smiling.”

“I smile all the time.”

“It’s your bashful smile,” Charlie says. “That’s how you looked at him that morning after he kissed you.”