“No, I’m happy for you to choose.”

He looks at the menu. “We’ll have a bottle of the Kusuda, please.”

I blink. It’s the most expensive red on the list and costs more than I’d expect to pay for a three-course meal. Is it what he’d normally order, or is he trying to impress me?

“Show off,” Saxon says.

Catie giggles, and I try not to laugh.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” Kip says.

“Oh, I’m having great fun,” Saxon replies. Kip glares at him, and Saxon gives him a look that says, ‘I’m going to make your life a misery, and there’s nothing you can do about it.’

“Ignore them,” Catie says to me with a smile. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” I gesture at her bump. “When are you due?”

“End of March.” Her top bears the words ‘Make it a Double.’

“Twins?” I guess.

“Yeah. Two boys. Just like these guys.”

“My commiserations,” I tell her, and she chuckles, while the two of them smile wryly.

“Do you live nearby?” Saxon asks, leaning back and putting his arm around his girlfriend.

“Ah, yeah,” I say. “Not far away.” I haven’t discussed that with Kip, and at the moment I don’t intend to reveal that I’m only visiting Wellington.

“What do you do for a living?” Saxon continues, giving his brother a mischievous glance.

“I review books,” I tell him.

“Nice,” he says. “Kip likes to read. Mainly comics.”

“Saxon,” Catie scolds. “Stop it.”

I laugh, recognizing that for some reason he’s teasing his brother. “We’ve been talking a lot about books today, haven’t we?” I smile at Kip.

“Yeah,” he says. “I ordered that one you recommended… by William Gibson?”


“Yes. I liked the premise, and the reviews are great.”

“Apparently Gibson was a third of the way through whenBlade Runnercame out, and he was convinced that everyone would assume he’d copied the film’s look, so he rewrote that third a dozen times.”

“That’s interesting,” he says. “It’s a great movie.”

“Yeah, it’s one of my favorites. I love the music, too. I can’t remember the musician…”

“Vangelis,” he says. “He’s Greek, although he recorded it in London, I think.”

“Oh, that’s right. I thought Sean Young was so striking as the replicant, Rachael.” I continue talking about the movie, but I’m conscious of Saxon’s expression softening as he observes his brother.

“Blade Runneris an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick novel, isn’t it?” Saxon asks.

“Yes,” I say, “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”