Me:Kip, I’m not upset! It made me laugh.

He doesn’t reply for a moment. I picture him walking up and down, cursing at himself. I smile. He’s quite sweet.

Me:Have you read Neuromancer by William Gibson?

Eventually he comes back.

Kip:No, I haven’t.

Me:You might like that. It’s a cyberpunk novel.

Kip:Okay. Alice, I am really sorry for that comment. I would never say anything like that to a girl.


Kip:Well, not before I knew her really well!!!!!

Me:I just assumed it was the 27% rogue coming out, LOL.

Kip:Thank you for not being insulted.

Me:Nah. I don’t get offended easily. And now I’m just looking forward to getting to know you really well…

Kip:Don’t be a minx. I’m still dying here.

Me:You’re very sweet.

Kip:Gah. That’s the second time today someone’s called me that.

Me:Oh, who else said it?

Kip:My PA. And somewhere my brothers are laughing hysterically at that description of me.

Me:How many do you have?

Kip:Two. You?

Me:No brothers. One sister.

Kip:She’s at Vic uni, right?

Me:Yep. Taking a business and communications degree. She’s amazing, a lovely person. And I’m not going to tell you more about her in case you’d rather go to dinner with her tomorrow!

Kip:Aw, definitely not. You’re my girl.

I flush for the second time. I’ve never had any guy call me his girl before.

Me:You’d better get on with your work. It’s getting late.

Kip:Yeah, okay. I don’t want to be too tired for our date tomorrow! Speak soon.

Me:Take care, and thanks again.

Kip:For what?

Me:For swiping right on me.

Kip:<3 :-)