Picking up the phone, I look at his profile again. Kip, aged twenty-eight. Twenty-nine tomorrow, obviously. It’s an unusual name. I forgot to ask him what it was short for. Kristopher, I’m guessing. His profile picture shows him from the chest up, dressed in an All Blacks shirt, looking at the camera and smiling. He has short dark-brown hair with a super sharp fade cut that’s longer on top, a neat beard and mustache, brown eyes, and slightly arched eyebrows that give him a bit of a wicked look.

I bring up his other photos. One is a full-length shot of him in a dark-gray suit with a white shirt and gray tie, probably taken in his office at work. The second is of him on a beach in a pair of swim shorts—he has his hands on his hips and he’s giving the person taking the photograph a look that suggests he didn’t want his photo taken, but it does show off his nicely muscular body. The third shows him sitting in a chair playing the guitar. The fourth is of him standing next to a mirror, looking off at an angle, obviously photoshopped because he’s wearing glasses but his reflection isn’t, but it’s an interesting shot.

I scroll down to his bio. The photo got me eighty percent of the way, but his bio sealed the deal. It’s short but sweet and funny.

If you’re looking for a bad boy, look no further. I’m bad at everything.

Current relationship status: Made dinner for two. Ate both.

73% gentleman. 27% rogue.

It made me laugh out loud and, despite the lack of detail, still told me a lot about him: that he has a great sense of humor, that he’s single, that he can cook, and that he probably plays World of Warcraft. I thought he sounded fun. But he was so much more than that.

Have I found the right guy for my predicament? I love that he gave me quotes, and that he recognized mine fromThe Thing. He’s a fan ofThe Lord of the Ringsand he reads sci-fi and fantasy. He teased and flattered me. And now he wants to meet me.

I’m not marrying the guy, so we don’t have to be soul mates, but I do need to like him, and for him to like me too. My meeting with Tim proved that to me.

I’m so excited, I have to tell someone. I bring up my messages and text Charlie.

Me:Hey girl, how are you doing?


Me:LOL are you high?

Charlie:Only on life! It’s a great party. You should have come!

Me:Didn’t need to - got myself a date!


Me:LOL I’m meeting him tomorrow for dinner.

Charlie:Hold on.

I wait for a moment, then jump as my phone buzzes. She’s calling me. I laugh and answer it. “Hello?”

“Oh my God, tell me everything!”

“It’s only a date, don’t get over-excited.”

“Yeah, but I would have sworn you were going to delete the app.”

“I was! But he sent me a Super Like.”

“Aw… that’s so cute.”

“He is. His name’s Kip and he’s twenty-eight. He’s really funny, and he just got me, you know?”

“Oh, Alice. I’m so pleased for you! Can you send me a screenshot of his photo?”

“Okay, hold on.” I take one and send it to her. “Should be coming through now.”

“Yes, I got it. Ooh. He’s got naughty eyebrows.”

I laugh. “I know, I thought the same.”

“Did he sound… you know, interested?”