Me:Ha! You’re the first girl to guess that from my bio. And you play an Alliance healer?

Alice:I have a top-level pally, a priest, and a druid. My fave’s the pally.

Me:Do you raid?

Alice:I have done. Took down the Lich King with my guild! Haven’t played as much since Wrath, other commitments, you know.

Me:Yeah. Life intervenes.

I look at my watch. I’m tired and I need to get some work finished before I go home. But I really like this girl. I wonder whether she’d be interested in seeing me tomorrow?

Me:So… this seems to be going well.

Alice:It does, doesn’t it? You’ve cheered me up, anyway.

Me:I am sorry your previous date didn’t work out, even though it means I got to talk to you. Did you actually meet up with him?

Alice:Yes. Um, this is actually my first time on Tinder. I arranged to meet him at a bar, and it didn’t go well, suffice to say. But then we didn’t have a connection like this.

Almost immediately, she sends another message.

Alice:I hope I’m not being too forward in saying that.

Me:Of course not. I haven’t chatted to a girl like this in ages. Maybe ever!

Alice:Oh! I don’t know why. You’re lovely.

I smile, flattered.

Me:So would you like to meet up?

Alice:I think so.

She sounds hesitant. I’m not surprised, if she’s new to the app, and she’s had a bad experience. It’s tough anyway to go on a blind date, and it must be extra hard for girls, who have the safety factor to consider.

Me:I have an idea. It’s my birthday tomorrow.

Alice:Oh, congratulations!

Me:Yep. I’m 29. Nearly a pensioner.


Me:My brother lives in town with his girlfriend. How about we all go to dinner?


Me:Yeah. It’d be fun. And then afterward, if all goes well, you and I could go for a drink?

Alice:That would be nice.

Me:No pressure. But I’ve enjoyed talking to you, and it would be great to meet you.

Alice:I’d like that very much.

Me:I’ll contact him, then get back to you. Don’t go anywhere!
