Me:I actually did laugh out loud at that!

Alice:Haha! Sadly he died last year, but he was a sweetie. Are you a dog fan?

Me:Oh definitely. I don’t have one at the moment because I work long hours, but my family has always had them.

Alice:Your bio says you’re a computer engineer?

Me:That’s right. We started off designing prosthetics.

Alice:Like, replacement limbs?

Me:Yep. We design the software behind myoelectric prostheses. I’m also working on a new communication device.

Alice:Like in Star Trek?

Me:Ha! No, actually, it’s the text-to-speech software for an augmentative and alternative communication or AAC device. Think Stephen Hawking.

Alice:Oh, the speech synthesizer?

Me:Exactly. For people who can’t speak. It’s my baby :-)

Alice:Wow, that’s so cool. It must be very rewarding.

Me:Yeah, I think so.

Alice:I see you have a photo with a Rickenbacker.

Me:Oh, you’re into guitars?

Alice:I know John Lennon had one. And George Harrison had a 12-string.

Me:That’s right. Mine isn’t a 12-string. I can never keep them in tune.

Alice:LOL. Do you play well?

Me:At the risk of sounding egotistical, not bad. Can you play?

Alice:A little.

Me:And you sing?

Alice:Well not professionally. In the shower!

Me:I’m now debating whether to ask if I can put that to the test… :-)

She posts a blushing emoji, and I smile.

Me:I hadn’t heard of Joss Stone, but I played Right to be Wrong. Wow, what a voice. And yours is similar?

Alice:Yeah, fairly close.

Me:But you don’t sing professionally?

Alice:No. Not had the opportunity.

Me:Shame. I’m sure you’d have done very well.

Alice:Thank you! So… am I right in guessing that you play World of Warcraft?