“Not all of them do. Rachel was more than happy to accept any contributions I was willing to give.” His tone is icy.

I lift the ice pack and look up at him. “She was after your money?”

“I overheard her telling a mate on the phone that she was close to landing me.”

“Shit. I never knew that.”

“So actually, I’d rather be with someone who was reluctant to accept help. It means she loves you for you, bro. Not for your bank account.”

“I guess. It’s just so hard when I think I could solve her problem for her.”

“Maybe the issue is more that she wants to work it out for herself, rather than that she’s upset about the money? She must feel powerless, with her mother’s illness and her father’s death. Perhaps helping her sister, and making decisions about her own life—good or bad—makes her feel as if she has control over something.”

“That’s profound.”

“If I’m sounding deep, you’re really drunk.” He takes the ice pack off. “Go to sleep.”

I close my eyes. Then I think about my twin, and feel a stab of guilt. “I shouldn’t have hit Saxon.”

“No, you shouldn’t.”

“I spoiled the celebration.”

Damon sighs. “He’ll get over it.”

“He was only trying to help, and I broke his nose and made his wife and babies cry.”

“Kennedy texted me—Jackson’s stopped the bleeding, and he says Saxon will be fine. Stop worrying and go to sleep.” He picks up his phone.

“Do you think I’m arrogant?”

“Jesus.” He puts the phone down again. “Where’s this come from?”

“Craig said I put myself on a pedestal and then wonder why people try and knock me off it.”

“Craig’s a cunt. Go to sleep.”

“Do you think he had a point?”

“You’re one of the good guys, Kip. You work hard, you’re good to women, dogs, and children, you’re generous and kind. Bossy? Yeah, sometimes. You’re a Chevalier, for Christ’s sake. We’re all bossy. But no, I wouldn’t say you were arrogant. You’re one of the humblest people I know. More than Saxon or me. You’re softer inside than we are. You care more what people think, and you try harder to please. Craig’s just pissed because you don’t return his feelings for you.”

“You think he’s gay?”

“No. I think he has a man crush on you, that’s all. He’s envious of your relationship with Saxon, and me, I guess, because he doesn’t have any brothers, and he has a shit father. He admires you. He wants to be like you when he grows up.”

I give a short laugh, and he picks up his phone. “Go to sleep, for fuck’s sake,” he says.

And, warmed by his words, I take his advice.

Chapter Thirty


I vomit twice more in the night, but luckily Damon’s there to help me stumble to the bathroom, and to encourage me to drink more water. So when I eventually wake up for real, I feel a tad fragile, but not half as bad as I might have done if he hadn’t been there.

I check the time—07:14. The sun is up, flooding the room with pale yellow light. The sky is such a light blue that it’s almost white.

The bed next to me is empty, and I can’t hear Damon upstairs.