Charlie:How’s it going? You in bed yet? LOL

Me:Total disaster, I’m afraid.

Charlie:Oh no! What happened? Did you meet him?

Me:Yes. He was okay. Not horrible at all. But there was no chemistry. And it was all so cold and clinical. I froze and had to back out.

Charlie:Aw, honey, I’m so, so sorry.

Me:Yeah, well, I suppose I should have guessed that would happen. It was a nice fantasy.

Charlie:Oh don’t give up! You have another night to go!

Me:I know, but I can’t see it working. I’m just not the type of person who can sleep with someone they don’t know. Not the first time, anyway!

Charlie:Well keep checking your messages. You never know. The next one might be the right one!


Charlie:Look, why don’t you come to the party? There are lots of guys here! They’d be all over the confident, sexy older woman.

Me:LOL thanks, but I’ll pass. I’m going to take a bath then go to bed. Start again tomorrow!

Charlie:Okay, fair enough. You still on for the zoo in the morning?

Me:Absolutely! See you there at ten?

Charlie:Yeah, sleep well. Love you!

Me:Love you x

I put the phone down and stare up at the ceiling.

You never know. The next one might be the right one.

It could be true. But I’m abandoning my idea of a one-night stand for now. I’ll have to hope when the time comes—if it ever does—that whoever ends up being my first isn’t turned off by the thought that I have no idea what I’m doing.

For now, though, I think I’ll order myself another G&T on room service, take a bath, and watch a movie.

Looks like it’s going to be a while before this girl loses her V-card.


Chapter Three


“I’m off.”

I look up from the monthly financial report I’m halfway through checking, glance at my watch and see it’s only six-thirty p.m., and give my twin brother a wry smile. “You’re taking this relationship thing a bit seriously, aren’t you?”

In the past, the two of us and our younger brother have worked until seven or eight p.m., or even later when it’s busy, often sending for Uber Eats so we don’t have to worry about getting dinner when we go home. Since his girlfriend moved in with him, though, Saxon has been keen to leave the office early to be with her.

He lifts one hand, palm up. “Reading financial reports.” Then he lifts the other hand. “Spending time with a gorgeous redhead who’s prepared to let me kiss every freckle she possesses.” He pretends to weigh the options, then rolls his eyes.

“Go on then,” I tell him good naturedly. “Fuck off. And give Catie a kiss from me.”

He throws me a wry look. “Absolutely not.”