“Dating is a strong word…”

“Ah, he’s been on Tinder?”

He chuckles. “Yeah, he’s been out with a few girls. He’s also been working hard. Like me this year, he’s thrown himself into the business instead. It seems like a sensible option until you go home to a dark house.”

I have a mouthful of the risotto, which is marvelous. “Are you lonely?”

He studies his plate, then eats a piece of venison. “Sometimes I miss sharing things with someone.”

“And sex, obviously.”

His eyes meet mine. “Obviously.”

“So… me on top?”

“That’s the plan.”

“You’ve been giving this some serious thought.”

“You have no idea.”

I giggle. The champagne is starting to have an effect. “How have you coped without sex this year? I’m guessing you have a close relationship with your right hand.”

“I’m left-handed, but yeah.”

“I didn’t think about that. So which hand you use for… you know… depends on which hand you write with?”

“On your dominant hand, I guess, yeah.”

“Ooh, dominant. I like that word.”

He stops eating for a moment, studies his plate, and blows out a long breath before taking another mouthful.

“Sorry,” I say. “Am I putting you off your food?”

“Nothing puts me off my food. You’re just sending my thermostat shooting up, that’s all.”

I eat another forkful of risotto while I watch him. “Do you mind me talking about sex?”

“Not at all. In fact I encourage it.” He glances around. “First time for me in Le Soleil, though.”

“Glad I can be your first in something,” I tell him.

“Oh, you’ve been my first for many things,” he replies, somewhat mysteriously. I don’t know what he means by that, but it gives me warm fuzzies in my belly.

“I joke about it,” I say in a low voice, studying his warm brown eyes as they watch me with some amusement, “but I don’t get it. You’re rich, handsome, and smart. You could have any woman you want. Why do you want me?”

“Because I like the way your eyes light up when I do or say something unexpected. I like shocking you.”

“Corrupting me, you mean.”

“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”

“That’s it, isn’t it? You like seeing the innocence fade from my eyes.”

“Yeah. It turns me on.” He gives a lazy, sexy smile as he reaches for his glass and takes a sip.

I have another forkful of risotto. “So how many times are you going to fuck me this weekend?”