Page 27 of Dark City Omega

“What?” I rumble back, voice too thick for her to understand.

She whispers something too low to make out, but when I press my fingers into her lower back, somehow having enough awareness not to cut her with my claws, she mewls, “Present to my Berserker…”


I drop my mouth from her forehead to her lips and exhale a harsh breath over her chin. I wanna taste everything, wanna leave behind my scent for any other Alpha to sense and know that I’ll rip the skin from their flesh if they don’t respect the edict that she’s mine.

She reaches down and grabs my cock and my hips buck. I react wildly, my hips slamming into her body and throwing her against the wall of the thing encasing us. My thoughts scatter and swarm.

The dart bomb. Ducking over Echo. The fucking scavengers wearing all that bloody clothing crawling out from under the bridge like cockroaches. Pushing her off of the damn bridge and using every last drop of energy I had to follow. Fighting against the drugs. Fighting onto the riverbank. Fighting to keep her close.

Close…but I want closer.

I shove my tongue down her throat and pull the next breath out of her mouth, and it tastes fucking godly, like the forest around us, like her sweet, hungry cunt, like the blood she just drew from my lip. Savage. She’s nearing heat. She needs me.I fucking need her. Desperately.

She keeps trying to arch her back and shove her tits against me, but somewhere in the back of my fuckin’ brain, I remember that her arm is hurt to shit and I manage to get it into a safe space between us.

“Omega, watch your fuckin’ arm.” I grab her hair and give her head a shake, wantin’ her to hear me in this.

She gasps and my fever triples and erupts in a loud rattle. I roll us over, maneuvering her onto her back. My thoughts are wrecked, my restraint more so. The little creatures responsible for relaying commands between my mind and my body have thrown all the directives up into the air and set fire to everything.

Gonna fuck her now. My Omega needs her Berserker.

I settle between her thighs and I shove her knees apart with mine. She moans and sighs and scrapes her nails across my chest and tries to reach for me with her mouth, but fumbles clumsily because she can’t see in the dark. Or maybe, she’s just fumblin’.

She ever kissed anybody before? She kisses without finesse, with pure, concentrated passion, her lips and tongue moving hurriedly over mine. She pulls my tongue into her mouth and when I want deeper, she arches and makes space for me before divin’ for my neck, my beard, my damn jaw — anything she can sink her fangs into and, unlike me, she’s got no fangs at all.

“You taste like snow.” Her voice hits me like a punch in the dark. She’s breathing hard, her whole body shaking with the movement. Her broken words make me damn near lose my mind. The rattling in my chest intensifies and my fist in her hair is suddenly not tight enough. I want her still, I want her complacent. I want her to submit to me fully because I want to submit to her fully and mark her with my cock in my venom’s absence.

It’s her vulnerability. It wounds me. It makes me feel like I matter, but only because she needs me to make sure she’s always alright. “You taste like sin,” I lie, because she doesn’t. She tastes likeredemption.

I grab her by the throat. She starts to shiver, but not from the cold. Her hips are pushing up against mine and mine are pinning hers down hard. She wants this. I can smell it in the air.Iwant this. But when my lips find her throat and she winces, I’m reminded that I don’t deserve this.

I can feel her stitches against my lips and roughly remind her that I won’t bite her, never again. It’s a promise I vow to keep, even if it means I have to work ten times as hard to protect her from the other males who’d try to bond her in the same fucked way I did.

“Won’t bite ya, Echo. Never again. Promise on my fuckin’ heart.” Don’t know if she hears me. She doesn’t reply. Instead, her clumsy hand is reachin’ for my cock again, beggin’ me to fuck ‘er, but I just kiss her slow…so damn slow, tryna stay her movements so she doesn’t hurt herself, go into heat, trigger my…fuck. It’s comin’.I can’t fuckin’ rut.Not now. Not here.

I shove her hand off my junk. I can’t think. My thoughts are in flames, my resistance in shambles, because when I kiss her harder, deeper, tiltin’ her head to the side so I can control every damn movement she makes, I crumble.

Every part of me crumbles. I…was built the strongest of my kind, but against her need, her clumsy movements, her kiss, her cocoon protectin’ us, I’m nothin’. My stomach clenches and I hear a…crinkling in the space around us. Don’t know what it is, but it doesn’t sound threatening, so I don’t bother rootin’ it out. Instead, I line myself up with her entrance and prod the bloated head of my cock forward, pressin’ it into the brand of her heat. She’s so fuckin’ wet for me.

A rough sound breaks free of her lips and her chest lifts. Can’t have it. “Fuck.”

“No.” She feebly tries to hold me to her with her thighs, but her grip is weak and a good reminder why this is a bad fuckin’ plan.

“Baby, gonna hurt yourself. Can’t have it.”


“Nearin’ heat. Could send me into rut. Could fuckin’killyou, Echo.” I’d snap my dick off first, but I need her to know how precarious this situation is between us.

And then she does somethin’ unfuckin’fair. “You won’t,” she says on a watery gasp, with puffy red lips.

“Can’t know that…” I look down and my rattle immediately warps into somethin’ less aggressive, returnin’ to that purr again. Because she’s cryin’ in my arms, the perfect, savage thing that she is. “You fuckin’ cryin’?”

Though she denies it, she sniffles again and I’m done. Fuckin’ ruined.“Please. I just want something. Need it, Berserker. Please. Please, Berserker.”

Fuck me.