Page 202 of Devoted

“Not that list.” He winks at me.

“We’re going to miss you guys,” Sienna pouts, wiping away a stray tear with a hiccup.

“We can FaceTime. You guys can even come out to visit?”

Maddie bursts out in tears. “Sorry, I’ve been an emotional mess since giving birth.”

Grayson laughs, pulling her back flush against him. “You’re perfect. Hence why I want to keep knocking you up.”

She giggles and smacks a kiss on his cheek.

“Uncle Luca,” Max says from his perch on his chair.

“Yes, Max.”

“Did it hurt being stabbed?”

Sienna gasps. Keller and Luca both laugh.

“Yes, Max. It hurt a lot. But nothing your legendary uncle can’t handle.”

Max nods, deep in thought, before looking at Keller. “Dad?”

“Yes, son?”

“Have you ever been stabbed?”

“No. I’m too well behaved.”

Grayson erupts into laughter and the whole table joins. All of these men are far from angels.

The doorbell rings, and Max rushes to get it and in strolls Frankie.

“Going to miss you.” Frankie pulls me into his side, tears stinging my eyes.

“You’ll be plenty busy here without us.”

Frankie’s taking Luca’s spot leading the mafia, with Grayson and Theo by his side. Luca is adamant that when we come home, whenever that may be, he doesn’t want that life back. I don’t know, that man is a natural leader. I can’t imagine him being happy running a club or helping at the gym. I guess we will see what our future holds.

Whatever makes him happy, that’s all that matters.

Frankie puts the bags of Chinese food down on the counter, shaking Luca’s hand before reaching Grayson.

Everyone watches on, holding their breath as Frankie holds out his hand to Grayson. Maddie smiles sweetly at Frankie.

“Truce?”Frankie asks.

A few seconds feel like hours before Grayson sighs and shakes his hand firmly.

“Yes, boss. You took a bullet for me. I can hardly say no, can I?” Grayson grins.

Maddie spins to face him and gasps. “He did what?”

Grayson plants a kiss on Maddie’s neck. “You can punish me later, sunshine.”

“Do you two ever stop?” Luca laughs and scrunches up his napkin and chucks it at them.

I lean back and watch Luca, taking it all in with a smile on his face. All of his family in one room, all back together and safe.