Page 126 of Devoted

I blink a few times, my heart now in my throat. I turn to see Rosa trembling in front of me, her bottom lip quivering. I have just spent the last few minutes shouting at the woman I love. Pressuring her into telling me something I have no right to know.

She asked me to trust her.

I take a step away from her. I have no clue what to do.

“I’m sorry.”

My heart rips in two. I am her protector. I should never make her feel anything but safe. If she could tell me, she would.

I fucked up.

Pacing in front of her, I tug at my hair until my scalp burns. “Rosa, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have shouted; I shouldn’t push you. I just, I don’t know what to do anymore. Seeing you in that dress, thinking of you marrying someone else, it makes me crazy. I’m so desperate for you, I just—fuck!”Burying my face in my hands won’t hide the shame I feel for losing control. “I’m truly so sorry.”

She closes the distance between us, her shaky hands hold on to my shirt.

“I’m sorry, too. This is so hard for both of us. Never, ever doubt my love for you, Luca. But do you see why I can’t tell you right now? That angry streak of yours. I know you’d never hurt me, but what if your actions end up hurting the people we love? I need you to trust me. I am handling my situation, and you are handling yours. One day, we will be together. But right now, there is too much at risk for both of us.”

“I hate this. So much.”

“I love you. You are the only man who will ever own my heart, my soul, my entire being. Now I need you to remember that in the future. No matter what.” She grabs my hand and places it against her chest.“Yours. Only yours.”

A tear slips down my cheek. I rest my forehead against hers and close my eyes, letting her sweet coconut scent soothe me.

“Breathe for me, Luca. Get your head back.” Her hand slides down my body, she bends slightly and starts tracing that square around my kneecap with her nail. I do as she says, breathing in and out, focusing only on her touch.

“I love you so damn much, Rosa,” I whisper.

“I know you do, and I love you just as much. Now, go. I’ll see you this weekend for the trip.”

Fuck, how did I forget? I have to spend the whole weekend with Dante parading Rosa around like a prized possession.

But, if I plan this right, I will have as much of her as possible.



The last time I was on a plane, we flew back to Italy to have mom buried. In hindsight, I think I was in a better mood then. My calves are bruised from Dante bouncing his heavy duffle against me as we walk. The dread of being cooped up in a room with him for the duration of our trip makes my stomach roll.

We take our seats on the private jet. I squeeze in next to the window, and Dante thuds down next to me.

Luca walks down the aisle with his mirrored shades on. I can tell he’s looking dead at me, just by that little grin on his face. He stops at the row in front and takes the seat right in front of mine.

Maria’s irritating voice booms through as she enters, and I watch as Luca visibly cringes at her entrance.

“Luca, baby. I want the window seat.”

He pushes the glasses back on top of his head and shoots her a look, sitting himself down on the window seat. I bite back a snicker.

Dante leans in, and I pull away. “All that arguing they do I bet makes for some great sex,” he says loud enough for Luca to hear.

I swallow the lump in my throat, ignoring him.

I know he’s wrong. But that doesn’t stop the clawing jealousy that rips through me that she might be the one that gets to keep him. If we can’t figure this out in time, he probably will sleep with his own wife.

“Dante, Maddie is insisting on sitting with Rosa, some girly talk or some shit. You’re up front with me. Leave them to it.”Grayson points to the chair in the front.

Maria’s head whips around to me and shoots me eye daggers through the center of the seats.