Page 87 of Devoted


“Done!” Eva announces, setting the curling iron down on the dressing table next to me. “Thank you, sis.”

My first Friday night out on the town in god knows how long. I’ve gone for a glittery gold eyeshadow which pops against my dark eyes and olive complexion and my favorite deep red lipstick.

Since Luca’s engagement party, we’ve spoken a few times over text. I hashed it out with Dr. Jenkins. I even told her about the kiss. Although she said it was clear that me and Luca have a deep emotional connection, that holding on to that would only curb my progress. Which made me realize I need to start doing more things for myself, like focusing on my new career.

I just can’t seem to let him go, though. He is my new addiction, and I fear he always will be.

I thought I was doing pretty good with moving on and distracting myself. But, one look and I’m back to square one. Him invading my every thought. Between that and the texts, even if they are ‘friendly’, I can’t turn my brain off.

I want him, plain and simple. My heart craves him more than alcohol right now.

I look over my new hair and make-up in the mirror and, damn, it’s the best I’ve looked in years. My skin is glowing, my hair is shining. I look less skinny and drawn and more fit. I think I have the long walk to the college campus and my evening yoga sessions to thank for that.

Eva gives me a sweet smile and hands me my Chanel perfume. “It’s nice seeing you happy. I was worried about you after the engagement party. Are you ever going to tell me what happened with Luca outside?”

I shake my head. “It’s done. Over. I need to move on. He’s healed me in ways no one could ever fully understand. I need to use that to rebuild.”

I brush her off with a half-truth. I have this funny feeling that he and I are way past being done.

“You never know, looking this smokin’, you’ll have tons of men lining up for you tonight,” she giggles.

“Maybe.” I shrug, heading for the door.

Perhaps there is another Luca out there for me. I’ve found it once, maybe I can find it again.

“Text me when you are on your way home.” She blows me a kiss as I make my way out of my bedroom and towards the front door.

“Will do, love you.”

* * *

The club is packed.Rock music is pounding through the speakers. I push my way through the jostling and grinding crowd. How did this used to be my life? I jump as my ass is groped and pick up the pace.

My two best friends, Jas and Liv, texted to say they had a booth at the back of the club. I hesitate before going over–-they still don’t know I’m not drinking. I can’t help but worry that they will be disappointed that their ‘fun’ friend is gone. I was always the wild one of the group, dancing on the bar and throwing shots down my throat.

But I can’t let anyone take this away from me. My mind has never been clearer, my skin brighter. I don’t even wake in the night with flashbacks of Dante.

Luca hasreplaced every kiss, every touch, every thrust, with a new memory. Now that’s all that replays in my head rather than that traumatic night.

Shaking myself from my thoughts, I spot Jas and Liv in deep conversation at the table. Two guys I don’t recognize, definitely of Italian descent, are sitting oneither side of them. They’re watching me intently as I make my way over.

Liv and Jas attract men wherever they go. They’re rich and beautiful and the life of the party. Always. They were the perfect distraction for me.

My friend’s eyes snap to mine and smiles light up their faces. “Omg Rosa!! You look stunning! We missed you so much!”

Liv ushers her new man friend out of the way. He stands, letting her slide past so she can barrel into me, wrapping me in a tight squeeze. Jas follows close behind and pulls us both together in a hug.

“Okay, okay! I can’t breathe, guys!” I giggle. “I missed you both, too!”

They think that I went to Italy after I left Luca. I didn’t reach out to tell them I was home. I didn’t trust myself going back into their lifestyle. I wasn’t ready.

“You have to meet our new friends, Rico and Danny.” Liv excitedly points her manicured finger to the two guys sitting in the booth.

“They have a friend joining in a sec.” Jas winks at me.

God, no.A shiver runs down my spine, and I laugh awkwardly as Liv grabs my hand and drags me towards the table. I slide into the booth behind her.