Page 96 of Distance

“I’m no concern of yours anymore, Keller.” I snap. Gone is the panic, replaced by pure rage.

“You’ll always be my concern, Baby.”

“You don’t get to call me that anymore. You don’t get to care. You lost that right when you walked out on me. I’m broken beyond repair. What you did is worse than Jamie. I healed from that. The scars you left me with will run for eternity.”

He goes stiff at my words, and his jaw ticks.

“One day, I promise you I’ll heal every single scar. I won’t give up until I prove myself to you, Sienna. I’ve never, ever stopped loving you. I’m going to show you, prove to you I’m worthy of you.”

“Good luck. You’ll be waiting an eternity. I’m not sure I have a heart left to love with. No thanks to you. Maybe in another lifetime, we can get it right, but not this one.”

He cups my face with both his hands and lifts my chin so I’m forced to meet his. I want to shake him off, yet my mind and body don’t seem to be communicating. “Tell me you don’t feel this. Tell me you don’t love me anymore.”

“I-I don’t,” I stutter. I can’t bring myself to say the words.

“Say it. Say, I don’t love you, Keller.” His nose is now touching mine.

Goosebumps erupt across my skin. My damn body always reacts to him, no matter how pissed I am.

“I-I” Nope, still no words. I let out a deep sigh, dropping my gaze to the floor.

“Princess, look at me.”

I do. He consumes me. He says jump; I ask how high, like a puppet. And he’s my master.

“I am so fucking sorry. I wish I could go back in time and change that day. I should never have left you. You were better off without me, that's what I thought. A part of me still does. But I can’t live without you, Sienna. You own my mind, body, and soul. You saved me. I’m just so sorry I ruined us. Please forgive me. I’m begging you to give me another chance.”

A single tear escapes his bloodshot eyes. This powerful hitman kneels before me, begging for forgiveness, pouring his heart out. Part of me wants to jump into his arms and tell him I love him and that everything will be okay.

But it’s not enough.

His words aren’t enough to mend my broken heart, to trust he won’t break me again.

“It’s not enough,” I sigh. I can’t bring myself to look at him. Taking in a deep breath, I find the words I need to let out for closure.

“Words mean nothing, Keller. I appreciate your apology, I really do, but I need more. I need someone that knows I’m enough, enough to stay when it gets tough. I need someone that’s all in. You don't know what it means to love. Maybe in another lifetime we’ll find each other and have the fairytale ending we deserve.”

Tears threaten to spill as I pick myself up and walk out the door, not giving him a second glance. The strongest man on the planet breaking to pieces in front of me didn’t give me any satisfaction at all.

The session goes on without a hitch. The kids all have a blast with Grayson. Keller never appeared again. Saying my goodbyes to them all and giving Paula a quick hug, I meet Enzo outside and he walks me to his blacked out Jeep parked across the street.

“Tough day?” He asks as we set off home.

“That’s one way to put it.” I mumble, and he merely nods in understanding, turning up the music to fill the silence.

* * *

The phone blaring in my eardrums wakes me with a start. It feels like I closed my eyes five minutes ago.

Paula’s name flashes on the screen.Shit.

“Hello.” I croak out, my mouth as dry as the Sahara after spending most of the night being sick. Who was it that named this morning sickness? Fuck, I wish it was just in the morning and not all day and night.

“Sienna, oh my God. You have to come and meet me. Something absolutely incredible has happened and I need you here. You can’t miss this.”’ she rambles. It’s far too early for this kind of excitement.

I quickly remember she’s my boss before I moan down the phone and respond like a petulant child.

“Ok, just text me the address. What sort of time are we thinking?” I ask, in hopes she’ll say something at least four hours from now.