Page 81 of Distance


Good, let’s keep it that way.


I see this bug hasn’t taken your sass away. I miss you already.


Aww, my big, bad boxer boyfriend misses me.


I think big bad boxer husband sounds better, don’t you think?


If you are going to propose, you better think of something better than a text Champ.

In all seriousness, I would say yes in a heartbeat without even a ring. But I do draw the line at a text proposal.


Oh trust me, Baby, you’ll know when I really propose to you. We’re making our way to the airstrip soon. I love you always and forever. I’ll call you when I land. xxxx


Don’t make me wait too long…. I love you too Champ, my everything, always. Have a safe flight. Xxxx

Nothing could stop the grin forming on my face and the butterflies floating in my stomach. The elevator pings. I roll my eyes. Maddie must have forgotten something as per usual.

“What have you forgotten this time? You’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached?” I shout.

Weird, she doesn’t respond.

Sitting myself up, I slowly pad out of our bedroom and into the living room, making my way to view the elevator.

All the air sucks from my lungs as I come face to face with him.

It’s Jamie.

There’s a murderous look in his bloodshot eyes. His face is gaunt, and ashen, and his eyes have sunken into their sockets. Gone is the well-groomed businessman. A crazed drug addict stands before me. His thin lips slide up over his teeth into a sadistic grin, and shivers race down my spine. Fear spreads through my veins. I can’t move, can’t speak. I just stare at the creature my ex-fiancé has become. He stands still, his arms slack at his sides, staring at me. His expression, though, is bloodthirsty.

“I told you I’d be back for you, Sienna.” His voice is gravelly. I barely recognize it.

“What-what do you want? How did you even get in here?” I say, attempting to sound brave, as I inch my hands into the front pocket of my hoodie, pressing the unlock button on my phone.

Jamie’s wild eyes catch my movement, and he stalks toward me surprisingly fast. I back away from him until my shoulders bounce off the wall.Shit. Almost right in front of me now, his stench of BO laced with sickly aftershave assaults my senses, making me feel nauseous. When he reaches me, he trails his nose along my cheek and inhales deeply. I hold in my breath so I don’t move. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

“God Si, I’ve fucking missed you. I can’t wait to have you back. And this time you won’t ever be leaving me.”

He’s finally lost the fucking plot.

I try remembering Keller’s words in our self-defense sessions. God, I wish I spent more time actually practicing the moves rather than fucking him.

No, I take that back. I regret nothing.

Mustering all the strength I have left, I slam my knee up connecting with his balls. As he doubles over, I take the second of opportunity to run. My lungs squeeze as I gulp for air. My bare feet slip and squeak on the tile floor as I round the corner and heading toward the bathroom. I reach out for the round doorknob, but my fingers only brush the metal and catch air as my hair is yanked, causing my head to snap back with it.