Page 6 of Distance

Like a deer in headlights and her breathing heavy, the goddess attempts to leap off my lap, but, like fuck I am letting that happen. I tighten my grip on her ass to keep her firmly in place, where she belongs.

Something about this woman draws me straight to her. I don’t want her to leave my lap.

“Is this how you treat the man who saved you from smashing your face into the floor? I can think of a few ways you could repay me.”

I push her further to see how she will react to me.

I expect a look of disgust to appear. She seems too pure to put up with my shit. Instead, shock overtakes me as her features soften with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. I open my mouth to speak and she grabs the neck of my suit to hoist herself over me, bringing her smooth leg around to straddle my lap. Now her face is just inches from mine. My breath gets more shallow as we stare into each other’s eyes. While groaning, I bring my hand across my face to try to regain some of my sanity and kick my brain back into action.

She chews her bottom lip between her perfect white teeth as she surveys me, glancing up and down my body, eating me with her eyes. Ever so slightly, she leans back, rubbing her ass right on my cock. Jesus Christ, where did this woman come from?

I cock my eyebrow up at her, enticing her to speak while trying to distract my brain from thinking about those plump red lips wrapped around my cock.

She pulls herself in closer, so we’re flushed together when she brings her lips to my ear.Concentrate Keller, ignore the feel of her breasts squashed into you.Her breath tickles my neck.

“WellSir,thank you for saving my ass,” she rasps.

Instinctively, I groan and lick my lips with the tip of my tongue, gripping her ass, and keeping her in place on top of me. Just as I am about to reply, she slides herself off my lap, straightens out her dress, and gives me a wide smile, showcasing her perfectly straight white teeth. She then throws me a quick wink and spins on her heel, heading for the bar with an extra sway in her step as her ass moves from side to side.

I cannot take my eyes off this woman. Her innocent smile and that unawareness of how truly sexy she is masking an inner hunger. I bet she’d respond perfectly to me tightly wrapping my hand around her throat as she sinks down on my dick.Just the thought has me shifting in my seat again.

I crave more.

I want her.

“This isn’t the last you’ll see of me, Princess,” I whisper to no one. Drowning in the remains of my scotch, my stare trains on her like a hunter on his prey.

I’ve set my sights on this mystery, and I always fight for what I want.



What the hell was I thinking?Not only did I grope the man, but I also winked, and called him Sir. My mind is reeling, embarrassment heating my cheeks, but my body doesn’t care. It’s still on fire from his touch.

I finally make it to the bar on unsteady feet. I drop my head into my arms, resting against the cool metal surface of it, in an attempt to lower my temperature.

His stare penetrates my ass the whole walk over there. I made sure to put an extra sway in my step for him. I’veneverbehaved like that; a confident, sexy Sienna has risen from the ashes.

I think I like her.

His touch lit a match in me. His deep, raspy voice made my pussy clench. His hooded eyes hold darkness behind them, way beyond the color. This man is trouble, but that gives me a whole new buzz.

“Four tequilas, a double vodka, and coke please,” I fire out to the barman, almost breathless, as he gives me a wink and starts pouring.

One shot after another, I throw my head back, welcoming the burning sensation seeping down my throat. That’s nothing compared to the fire burning in my body fromhistouch. I need the buzz from the alcohol to gain the confidence to walk back past him.

Ugh, why hasn’t Maddie made her way over here already? That would make my life a hell of a lot easier.

I guess she’s still on the hunt for her prince charming. Nowshereads far too many soppy romance books, always dreaming of her fairytale wedding with two kids and a white picket fence. She’d spent the last year dedicated to kissing lots of frogs to find her prince. Just a couple of weeks ago after a long day of work, while kicking my feet up on the sofa, my ears are deafened by the screaming throes of passion. Parker, I think his name was–wait, was it, Peter? Whichever it was, he clearly wasn’t the one. Just seeing her dedicate her free time to finding love exhausts me, but when her eyes light up as she describes what she is looking for, it stops me from actively rolling my eyes at her.

Scanning the room, her platinum blonde hair floats around the dance floor with her latest tall skinny man pining after her. The next potential Mr. Prince Charming leans down and whispers in her ear. I can tell by the lack of enthusiasm etched on her face she needs an out. I grab our drinks, take a deep breath in while counting to four, and then release it slowly.

Just watch your footing, Sienna.I internally chastise myself to avoid any further embarrassment.

I set my sights on Maddie, and take it step by step, keeping my eyes focused on her. Donot look at him, do not look at him. It’s no fucking use. My eyes are magnets to his body, hell— I am magnetized to his body. I can't help it.

He is the most gorgeous man I have ever laid eyes on. His presence seeps power and danger, but that just entices me more. A God in his own way, even as he sits with his ankle resting on his knee, sprawled out in the booth with his tattooed hand bringing the Scotch up to his lips, the man oozes sex, and not the vanilla type. The kinkiest dirtiest you can imagine. His deep, gravelly voice is so fucking hot, and the thought of him commanding me in the bedroom makes my pussy pulse. Now that’s a man who knows what he’s doing. I would bet everything on that.