Page 68 of Distance

“Mrs. Russo is coming over for dinner tonight.”

“Hmmm?” he mumbles.

“To meet Sienna. I know you’ve now met her a couple of times already, but I’d like you to get to know her, maybe while my dicks in my pants this time.” I chuckle.

“Of course I’ll be there. You best keep it in your pants the whole time I’m there, or I swear to God.” he threatens, amusement clear in his tone.

“You’ll do what?”

A deep laugh echoes down the line.

“You got me there brother.”

Intrigue getting the better of me, resting the phone on my shoulder, I stroll over to the desk and pick up the white envelope. Peeling out the contents, I come face to face with an A4 print out of me kissing Sienna at the fight. A big red X is etched across Sienna’s face.

What the fuck?

“Keller, are you still there?”

“Fuck, Luca, hang on a sec!”

Scribbled in thick black marker



I drop the paper onto the desk, picking up the desk chair and launching it across the room, smashing into the picture frames hanging on the wall, which smash to pieces across the floor.

“Keller! What the fuck is going on?”

Getting my breath back, scrubbing my hands over my face, my day old stubble scratching at my palms. I bend and scoop up my phone I've somehow dropped. Heat builds in my chest and I feel my heart beating hard.

“They know who she is Luca, They fucking know who she is and what she means to me!” Rage burns inside me now.

“What do you mean, they know?”

“They sent a goddamn picture of me kissing her at the fight, with a big ugly red X over her face. Luca. They know who I really am.”

“Fuck,” Luca mutters.

Fuck indeed.

“Don’t do anything fucking stupid, Keller. Keep the beast inside until we have a plan. Do not fucking leave Sienna’s side.”

“I fucking know that, Luca,” I snap back.

“Calm down, Brother. I’ll alert the men and meet at yours. Give us thirty minutes. In the meantime, keep your head straight. Okay?”

My fist is gripping the phone so tight. I can feel it; fury is taking over.

“Fucking words, Keller. Don’t lose it. Not now, Sienna’s there.”

His words snap me back to reality. Sienna.


That’s all I can muster at the moment. As I cut the call, I make my way back to the light, to the only person capable of bringing calm, and taming the monster. My Goddess.