Page 23 of Distance

But I’m fucking taking it anyway, even if it is just for one night.

The rage courses through my veins, blood hammering in my ears, as I push past the crowd in the club.

It’s the second weekend we’ve been open and the place is heaving. I should be proud; it is my vision come to life. In the long run, it’s a means to an end, part of my deal with Luca. He funnels his dirty cash through the club, keeps the mob happy, and sets me free. After the small job of becoming World Champion.

The fight is booked. Just seven weeks left until my debt is paid. But I can’t concentrate on that until I fuck this goddess out of my system.

The number one rule of boxing:Fight with your head.Right now, it’s all over the place. I can’t afford to lose my head in the ring.

Fuck, I need to calm down.

The chances are, Sienna is gunna be pissed because I haven’t contacted her all week. But I’m hoping I can sweet talk her into agreeing with my proposal.

One night of pure sinful sex and then we carry on with our lives. Easy, right?

Barging past those useless bouncers, the ones I still need to fire, I scan my way through the crowd. Like a wolf on a hunt, I zone in on my prey.

I can pick her out of a crowd of thousands. My body reacts before I even see her. If I didn’t know any better, it’s almost as if she’s cast some kind of spell on me. Never has a woman had this effect on me.

I spot her easily. She stands out from anyone else around her. Absolutely no man in this universe could ignore her beauty. Quite simply, she is stunning. Her piercing icy blues lock onto mine, realization etches across her face as she gives me a wide smile, her face lighting up.

Fuck, I swear when she smiles at me I forget how to breathe. All the air is knocked clean from my lungs.

I return her smile with a teasing smirk.

Her hair is braided at the roots with curls bouncing around her, flowing right down her back. Under the luminous red signs of The End Zone entrance, I can see her sinful sequined dress shimmering against the lights. Emphasizing her killer figure. I bet she looks even more delicious out of the clothes.

The prick still has his arms locked around her neck, his head resting on her shoulder. He’s a reasonable-sized man, but no match for me. She cocks her head to the side and whispers in his ear.

Watching this made my skin crawl, seeing another man’s hands on her creamy soft skin makes me murderous. He looks at her with concern, setting his sights on me with a worried glare. Yes, asshole, hands off. I’m still standing by the entrance to the club. I should know better. The last thing I need before a fight is more bad press. Grayson’s already pissy with me after my outburst this week.

The prick finally takes his arms off her, her eyes searching for mine. Oh, she’s caught on quickly. I don’t fuck around.

It’s now or never.

I stride over to her and plaster on my best fake smile for the crowd. To them, I’m a celebrity, a billionaire boxing playboy, and that’s the story we’re sticking to.

I reach her just as she turns to face me. Her blonde friend smiles at me in recognition, I guess she knows about last weekend. “Hey, Keller.” Sienna speaking breaks me from my thoughts.

“Hey, Baby,” I whisper against her ear, just loud enough for her to hear. A crimson blush creeps up her cheeks. I set my sights on the rest of her group. “I have some space in our VIP area tonight. You’ll have to put up with my asshole trainer. Drinks are on the house all night to make up for that.”

Her friends all cheer in response, and Sienna eyes me suspiciously. And she should be. I have plans for us. I’m just being polite, offering her friends an alternative to her company. Fuck knows why. I don’t ever care about other people, but with her it's different. I don’t want her to fear me. I don’t want her to know my darkest side.

The blonde one is the first to pipe up. “Urrrr yes! Of course, we’d love to, wouldn’t we guys?” She emphasizes her words while shooting them all daggers.

Prick with the cuddle complex is unreadable and my patience is wearing thin. He’s already had his hands on something that doesn’t belong to him. The fact I'm offering an evening on the house is a miracle when all I want to do is smash his head against the pavement.

“Yeah, sounds good, mate.” The prick finally responds and Sienna gives him a soft smile, which pisses me off.

I move the red rope barrier and signal for them to come through, catching Sienna’s wrist as she waltzes past, stopping her in her tracks.

“Not so fast, Gorgeous, we have other plans,” and I feel her shiver under my touch.

The only solace from this predicament I find myself in is, it’s clear she’s under the same fucking spell as me. Her body can’t help but react to me, no matter how much she may will it not too.

Releasing her wrist, I shut the barrier which gets me some moaning from the queue of people. I cock my eyebrow in annoyance at their whining and turn my attention back to Sienna. Placing my hand at her lower back, I lead her into the club, nodding to the bouncers as we pass.

Once in the club, we make our way by the dancefloor, bar, and then the VIP area. I clock her friends walking in, good they will leave us alone for a bit now. I’m sure Grayson will keep her blonde friend company. I lead her down the hallway, heading towards my office. Déjà vu of last Friday flashes in my brain, automatically sending all the blood rushing straight to my dick. As we make our way into the office, a waft of her sweet peach scent smothers my senses. Fucking delicious.