Page 20 of Distance

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The rest of the week I immerse myself in training, avoiding Grayson for a couple of days for us to cool off.

Whenever my mind isn’t focused on training, it wanders to Sienna. I wonder if she’s thought about me. Has she thought about texting me? Is she dreaming of fucking me like I do every night of her?

It’s not healthy, it’s almost becoming obsessive.

I found her Instagram. I couldn’t help myself. I thought if I just saw her, that would sedate the need, but it didn’t. I just ended up beating one out with images of her posing on her feed flashing through my head.

I need to get this woman out of my system before it’s too late.



Monday rolls around quicker than expected. Before I know it, I’m making my way through bustling New York traffic in rush hour. London may be busy but it has nothing on the crowded streets of New York. I’ll never get used to the chaos.

After I jog up the steps from the subway and head toward the cafe opposite my office, I’m met with the sun beating down through the clear skies. But the air is crisp, perfect weather to wear a tight black turtleneck jumper tucked into a pencil skirt. The top is ideal for hiding the bruising and grazes spotted over my arm. Instinctively, I start rubbing the sore patches. At least the bruising has faded from the red angry marks I woke up to Saturday morning. What a perfect birthday gift that was. The high neck of the jumper masks the bite marks dotted along my neck; Keller’s primal mark.

As I wait for my flat white to be poured, I open up my last messages from Keller and hover over the keypad to type out a morning text. I haven’t heard a peep from him since he drove off in the early hours of Saturday morning. Slowly I unlink my arm from David’s and do a one-hundred-eighty degree turn, yet I can’t rid the man from my every thought.

Maybe I’m just horny.

I spent the weekend lounging on the sofa with Maddie, watching Netflix and eating popcorn. I felt good, normal even. My birthday was on Saturday. I didn’t even get my annual drunken text from my mom, telling me how I ruined her life by being born. I can't say I missed that.

Maddie knows how I feel about celebrating my actual birthday, so we kept it small with a little cake and a glass of wine. As a joke, she got me a fucking rape alarm and pepper spray, just in case Jamie re-appears and I don’t have the chance to kick him in the balls. I can always count on Maddie to poke fun at anything serious. Although, it did make me laugh.

She kept trying to dig into the events with Keller, the nosey cow. I gave her some details but kept most to myself otherwise, she won’t stop.

“Flat white for Sienna.” The blonde barista shouts, distracting me from my phone. I give her a smile, take my wake-up juice, and head to the Chrysler Building, downing the contents of my takeaway cup. The amber leaves scattering the pavement crunch under my heels. The cool breeze whips my hair into my face as I walk into the office foyer.

The reception area is dead, shit am I late? I check my watch -7:50 am. I’m 10 minutes early,phew. Giving a quick smile to Harriet, our bubbly red-headed receptionist who's busy rambling down the phone, I head towards the stairs. The family law department is only on the fifth floor, so I don’t mind the trek up to avoid the elevator.

By the time I reach the floor, my breathing is heavy. Swiping my keycard, I make my way over to my desk, plonking down in my swivel chair.

“Morning gorgeous girl,” David declares with a grin that creases the corner of his eyes.

“Morning David. New hair I see,” I say, returning the grin.

David quickly became my best friend at work and now outside of work. Taking me under his wing from my first day over four years ago. At one stage our boss, Alan, banned us from desking next to each other as we were too loud and distracting together.

We can’t help it. We get on like a house on fire.

Don’t get me wrong. David is a very attractive man to any woman with eyes. Tall and muscular build, with mesmerizing emerald eyes complete with a panty-dropping smile. He’s no Keller though.

We’ve been there and tried that.

One night a couple of years ago, we decided to get super drunk, prosecco drunk no less, and Maddie dared us to kiss. Now, I don’t have a brother, but that kiss was what I can imagine kissing your brother would be like.

It felt so wrong.

So, we made a pact to never discuss that again. At least we tried it.

On paper, we would be the perfect couple.

David coughs, grabbing my attention, and now sitting at his side of our connecting desks, he slides over a steaming hot coffee.God, do I need the caffeine today.

“Ooooh, what flavor did you pick for me today?” I ask. I never get the same coffee flavor twice from David. He knows I like, in his words, “sickly sweet coffee,” and is always pulling his nose up at my choice.