Page 84 of Distance

He provides the warmth and the love I need to slip away. I can feel a small smile on my lips as I drift off.

I just hope he knows how much I loved him.

I imagine being wrapped in his embrace until I finally feel nothing.



The somber look etched across Luca’s face quickly morphs to pure rage and he smashes his phone against the steel walls of the aircraft. Shattering glass bouncing off the walls.

“FUUUUUCK!” He shouts frantically, running his hands through his hair.

He can’t look me in the eye. Dread pools in the pit of my stomach. Luca is level-headed and able to control his emotions. This outburst means something is completely fucked.

“Tell me, Brother”

Finally, his eyes meet mine but the words don’t form. He just stares at me, pain evident on his features.

“For fuck’s sake Luca, whatever it is, we deal with it, together. Now open your mouth and use your fucking words before I lose all the patience I have left.”

“They have her, Keller. I’m so fucking sorry.”

For a second I don’t think I hear right. Then it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room.

Those four words slice me like a knife to the throat.

They can’t. They can’t fucking have her. This can’t be happening. My mind is spinning.

Acidic bile rises up my throat. Aware we are in front of the rest of the mob, I feel their eyes on me. Watching, waiting for me to explode. Every part of my being wants to raise hell, burn the whole City of New York to the ground.

In this moment, everything I have ever loved is slipping to everything I’ve ever lost. My life is completely worthless without her.

“What happened to your deal?” I spit out, trying to retain the quivering in my voice.

“I don’t fucking know, okay? Fuck! We’ll get her back Brother. If it’s the last thing I ever do, I will bring the light back to you” he replies, running his hands through his hair.

Unbuckling the belt I jump up from my seat. “Tell the pilot to open the fucking doors, now,” I rage, adrenaline pumping through my body as I march over to the exit. Grayson hurls his body in front of the aircraft door, blocking my path, and grabbing my sweater with both fists.

He’s brave.

“Keller, sit the fuck down. Luca has men. They will get her back. You have to stay on this fucking plane. Everything you’ve worked for boils down to this fight. Don’t lose your head. If you throw this fight, that’s it. You’re trapped. You want to be a better man, a man worthy of Sienna. Well, this is that opportunity.”

“Don’t fucking touch me.” Snatching his wrists, I push them off me. He doesn’t budge out of my path.

“Move Grayson. Fuck the fight. My life is worthless without her. So I suggest you either fucking come with me and help me dismember every one of those fuckers holding her, or shut the fuck up and sit down. Choice is yours.”

I get it. He’s never been in love. He’s never cared about someone enough to lay his life down for theirs. I feel a hand grab my shoulder as I spin around coming face to face with Luca. He gives me a slow nod and strides past me, gripping the exit door lever and pulling. “Get some fucking steps here now, you dumb fucks.” He shouts to the men below, pure anger radiating off him. I assume that gets the message across, as the next thing, the metal steps are being connected to the exit latch and we’re making our way back onto the tarmac where the pouring rain lashing against my face. Through the haze of the downpour, a black Mercedes pulls up, and the driver opens the doors for us to jump in.

A message chimes through my phone as we make our way to my penthouse. Luca’s men are either searching for her across the city or on their way to meet me. Every single man under Luca is on the hunt. Luca glances at my phone as I tap on the new notification from the unknown number.

An image fills the screen.


Wearing only her black bra and panties, her arms snaked around the chair, probably bound, and her ankles tied together. Tears stain her blood-shot eyes, deep red blood drips from her forehead down past her left eyebrow. I can feel her pleading with me through her eyes. Marks slashed across her stomach make me want to empty the contents of my own. Her piercing blue eyes which always give her emotions away are now filled with pure fear. I recognize the look. It’s the same one I used to thrive on.

The only thing that keeps me from throwing my breakfast up is the fact she is alive.