Page 79 of Distance

No matter how much she assures me she will be fine, even Maddie coming over to look after her doesn’t ease my worries. What if something happens and I can’t get to her? What if she needs me? I know she’s strong, but I can’t shake this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

“How are you feeling, baby?”

“I’m okay Champ. Stop worrying.” She croaks as she yawns, nestling her head back into the pillow.

Pouring the contents of the blender into a tall glass, I take it over to her, letting her use my arm as a support to sit up as I bring the glass to her lips. She gives me a sad smile as she places her mouth gently around the glass, her nose turning up as she does.

“I-I can’t,” she stutters as she dry heaves, pushing the glass from her face.

“Baby, you really need to try something. You can’t not eat or drink for days on end.” I try to keep my tone light, not to sound too harsh. I’m worried.

“Let me just have another quick nap, then I’ll try again, I promise.” She offers me a smile to try and sweeten me up.

Before I can reply, her head hits the pillow again, and soft snores leave her lips.

Gently lifting her head, I slide in close and rest her pillow and head on my lap, stroking her hair as she smiles. Her breathing steadies, and she falls back to sleep.

“I love you, Baby,” I whisper.

“Hmmm,” she softly moans.

It’s only four days. I can cope with four days without her. I coped for 29 years on my own. But the thought of being separated from her just for a pathetic four nights makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Luca assured me Enzo will be standing guard to protect her 24/7. The rest of his men are busy protecting the territory. A war is brewing. I can feel it in my bones. What the catalyst will be which finally set it off, I don’t know.



God, do I feel like shit.

Every muscle in my body aches and every smell makes me gag.

“Si, I’ve made you a smoothie Keller left the recipe for. I’m under strict instructions to make sure you at least try to drink this. I’ve added extra strawberries, so it doesn’t taste rank,” Maddie says as she hands me a God awful thick browny green gloopy concoction. It actually looks worse than the one Keller makes.Great.

I swallow down the bile that creeps up my throat just looking at it. Covering my mouth with my hand, I shake my head at her. If I open my mouth to reply, I’m positive I will throw the small amount that remains in my stomach up all over her.

She gives me a sad smile, places the devil juice on the floor, and crouches down to my level, softly stroking my hair.

“Si, I’ve never seen you so sick. How long have you had this bug for now?”

“I-I don’t know, feels like a lifetime,” I croak out.

She pinches her features together. I can almost hear her brain ticking as she thinks.

“When was the last time you had a period? Jenny at work was just like this when she was really early pregnant with little Bobby. She could barely even stomach water without throwing it back up.”

The blood drains from my face as I start to think back to when I last had a period. I am on the pill, but I know I’ve missed a few on the odd occasion over the last few months. I always just took a couple the next day and thought that would cover me. I usually get excruciating period pains for days before I’m due and for the life of me, I can’t think of the last time I even had to use my hot water bottle.


“I-I don’t know. Shit Maddie, I don’t know.”

My heart rate starts to quicken and suddenly I feel like the room is 100 degrees.

I don’t even know if Keller wants kids. Fuck, what if he thinks I’m trapping him? I told him not to use a condom. Fuck fuck fuck.

The room starts to spin. “Maddie, I don’t feel too good.”